Can you hear me now?

I had almost forgotten how much cell phone companies suck goats.

First of all, a couple months ago, my celly provider thought they'd be efficient and send out mine and my brother's bills in the same invoice. And just for shits and giggles (an aqua angel phrase) they decided to total them up together, too.

Talk about a headache! Up to now, me and my brother still can't establish who owes what. And sly company that they are, they're only open during normal office hours. So could I possibly rectify this situation anytime soon? Of course not! Grrrrr.

I've also been trying to help Daisy in acquiring a new cell phone plan. It's been a while since I've shopped around for a new plan/phone, whole shebang. I thought it'd be easy enough. All she wants is the most basic plan available, and one of those deals where the phone is free when you sign up. Easy-peasy! Nu uh. I swear that whole thing is a scam on its own. Telus won't give you a free phone unless you sign for 3 years unlike 2 years with everyone else. And then the whole "what is evening/weekends, what isn't" dealio...

*imitates slick cellphone sales person* Well, if you go for the Max Air plan (100 anytime and 1000 evening/weekend minutes) your evenings do not begin until 8pm. Weekends start at 8pm Friday.

But I thought evenings start at 7.

No, actually evenings start at 6.

You just said they start at 8.

That's with the Max Air plan. Any other plan with us and your evenings start at 6.

But I got a notice saying they start at 7.

They changed that, it's 6.

Alright, fine, and so my weekend actually starts at 8? I got another memo telling me my weekend started at midnight Saturday morning.

No, yours still starts at midnight. It starts at 8 for Max Air clients.


This is just one cell phone company...and here they are with varying definitions of weekend/evening minutes. Oi vay! I'm not looking forward to the end of my contract in November. There are a lot of enticing deals and new phones out there that it'd be so easy to switch, but a lot of things that are included in my contract now are at a pay for use basis. I'm thinking I'll just get a phone upgrade when the time comes and keep my plan as it is.
