I will survive

HottieRyan is my hero for helping me nab this snazzycakes hottie photo of David Usher. Yes, his magical spell hasn't worn off me yet.

It figures that when the day my doctor's appointment finally arrives my knee is doing, I'd say, 95% better than it was on Monday when I called. Still a bit tweaky, but at least I can go up and down stairs without cringing.

Thankfully he still figured out what was wrong. Tendonitis, he says. Probably the day it snapped (Halloween Howler) I had submitted my knee to more activity than it was used to. That's what he said.

Huh? I boogie every day. I groove as I change into my outfit for the day. I bop as I brush my teeth. I throw down as I wash the dishes. More activity than it's used to? Say what?

At least it sounds like a one-off thing. I'm so grateful that I'll be able to salsa again, to bachata like there's no tomorrow, to continue working on my belly dancing.
