It's like a middle-child thing, only worse

I've never watched that Average Joe show, but if they made one with the gender roles reversed I'm thinking perhaps I should give it a go.

Being "average" is so blah. Unfortunately, you get lost in the whole melange of things. You're not gorgeous so that everyone takes note...and yet you're not ugly so that people do their best to avoid you.

All throughout school I was friends with all the different "types" of people: the uber-popular, the not-so-cool, the stars, the supporting characters. I was all over that. At the age where everyone seemed fixated on having a boyfriend/girlfriend I was stuck with boy friends who had girlfriends and girl friends who had boyfriends. And at that age, that kind of things digs into you.

It was a blessing as well as a cuss. The sad state of affairs had it that the fat and the ugly were chosen 'cuz they would be "grateful" that some guy paid attention to them (aka *coughs* EASY ACTION *coughs*) Remember Boobhickey? She unfortunately fell under this category.

So yay for me, I wasn't considered fat and ugly. But I wasn't exactly as skinny or as pretty as the popular girls either.

And they got boyfriends 'cuz hello they were skinny and pretty. So boooo to me for not being some chick straight out of Seventeen magazine.

Blah blah average blah typical blah run-of-the-mill blah blah vanilla blah blah your ordinary garden-variety sort of girl blah.

What gets me is that we've all matured (one would hope) since junior high. This phase is behind us. So where are my dates??? I deserve more dates than I am currently getting.

Or perhaps I'm mistaken and we never grow out of that phase? I'm doomed if that's the case.

(Yes, I admit it. I had another run-in with H-Lady today. Please help me, I think her perpetual dismalness is poisoning my spirit!)
