It hurts so good
"I'm just a girl that can't say 'no.'"
I'm soooo tired. I just want to let all my weekend stories flow out of me before I go to bed very early tonight.
On Friday the retail girls and I were planning on going to the Whiskey. These plans were made before we got this past week's schedule, however, and two of us (one was me *sigh*) had the opening shift on Saturday. "Opening shift" meaning the indecent hour of 7:30 in the morning ON A SATURDAY! They're so backwards, who goes shopping at that hour on a Saturday?
Anyway, yeah, so we changed our minds about going out clubbing on Friday. I instead had the best intentions of just going out for a little bit of noshies with Daisy and Bizkette and getting home at a somewhat decent hour. Haha, should've known that wasn't going to happen. This is me we're talking about, this is me and my friends.
Vicious Circle was packed and they denied us at the door. What?! It was the craziest thing. (Should've known it wasn't going to be an early evening when it was already 11 and we hadn't settled ourselves anywhere yet.)
So I dragged the girls down the block to Cafe Mediterranean. Yeah, I was having another falafel craving. BUT I didn't get the falafel, how ya like that? I got baba gannoush instead. I loves me some baba gannoush.
And we had another go at the sheesha. This time we chose Double Apple. It never fails to surprise me how smooth it is to inhale. Last time we went we had another partner in crime with us: aqua_angel. Unfortunately she was MIA this time around, but we still held our own. And surprisingly enough, we weren't the only ladies in the joint this time around.
Yes, good pals, sheesha, and baba gannoush. As a result, I didn't get to bed until 2:30 and I had to wake up at 6. Paaaaaaaaain.
Yet my coworker who opened with me...she went home early like a good, responsible girl. Thankfully she still sympathized with my condition.
Saturday morning in pain. But the promise of a wonderful night ahead kept me plugging on. You see, the guy from Daisy's junior high days that she had run into last Saturday? He called her earlier this week and invited her out to his pal's birthday this weekend. So another hot night at SoHo was in the stars for us!
This thrilled Peru-Girl immensely when she heard about the news. The feeling's mutual, I've enjoyed Peru-Girl's world since she let us in on a piece of it the other weekend. Peru-Girl rocks.
I called mr. guy and invited him out. I kinda wished he had come (I looked FANTASTIC) but I knew chances were good he wouldn't. I had felt bad the night before. He called, having just goten home from work, but I couldn't chat with him very long since the girls and I were pulling into Vicious Circle. And I didn't invite him out 'cuz it was my girls' night out. So the invitation/voice mail re: SoHo was sort of my peace offering and also a pressure-less chance to get together. I mean, if he already goes there regularly...
Didn't see him there. Then again, I didn't circulate very much. Once we made our way to the dancefloor we never sat down again...which is how I like it. And the floor was as packed and as hot and sweaty as it was the week before. Surprisingly I was so happy I never even complained. Actually, that's a lie. There were some "smell" issues during the night. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to sweat in public. It made for some miserable moments.
I just love it there so much you have no idea. No young whippersnappers (they announced two birthdays while we were there, one was 28 - to which I rejoiced 'cuz I was younger - and the other was 25) The guys are such gentlemen, whereas the ladies are a tad bitchy. If a guy bumps into you on the dancefloor, or he twirled his partner into your path by error he'll actually apologize. However, if a lady thinks you're taking up space that she could utilize better she will bump you out without even looking at you. Needless to say, the gentlemanly politeness didn't help me cure this whole latino obsession I have.
It's also impressive how much passion they have for dancing. Almost every song the deejay spun was met with whoots of appreciation by the dancers on the floor below him. This week was also better 'cuz I actually got to dance with some latinos. Last week they paid little attention to me, which only helped get me down further about the whole "woe is me, latinos just don't dig me" funk I had gotten myself into. But this week...this week I was right there with them, I felt more comfortable about being there. I love how casual it all was...not like other clubs we've been to in the past. Here, a dance is just a dance...all for the sake of dancing. You don't have to worry that this dance is going to evolve into him buying you drinks and then later he'll ask for your number/assume the two of you are going to hook up. These guys just want to dance, and if they choose you as their partner for a song you should be flattered and happy. No need to be on edge about him possibly groping you.
Alright that's a lie. That happy dancing feeling is the general vibe there for sure...but I guess some guys will always be "typical" guys. Unfortunately I ran into a mr. typical out on the dance floor.
But, haha, he wasn't a in my little head my ethno-centric theories still hold water.
Man, was he awful. He was so gone that his breath stank as if he had already thrown up at some point in the evening, he spilled his drink on my arm, his hands roamed too much. I couldn't even look at him 'cuz half of the time I'd be greeted by this dazed, lecherous mug and the rest of the time his face would be down inches away from my chest. I was more than happy to get away from him at the end of the song.
Thankfully, I quickly got over the whole ordeal. A really sweet Mexican guy came along. He was friends with the guy T-girl was dancing with and so Daisy and I ended up grooving with the Mexican by default. He was so nice. He's been in Calgary for a year and a half, almost done his Master's in Civil Engineering at U of C.
Before I continue, the girls and I had a lot of 3rd wheel/5th wheel moments on the dance floor. They're awfully awkward; we have to come up with some sort of plan of action for when that happens again. It's tough when guys come along and pluck you away from your girls. I mean, you don't NOT want to dance with them, but you don't want to leave your friends hanging, either. Luckily for her Daisy had her friend there, but when I was the extra wheel on occasion I ended up feigning a bathroom break or getting some water.
I had a blast dancing with the Mexican. He spun me around and around, the other way, back again, arm wrap here, another one there.
I also realized a problem I have dancing: I can't follow. I rock when I'm dancing on my own...but when I have to react to a guy's lead I get all flustered. And come to think of it that would probably apply to other areas of my life as well. I lead myself. I. Just. Can't. Follow.
Luckily the Mexican was very understanding and taught me lots. I must rectify this situation by finding a regular dance partner to learn and practice with.
Alas, the night was ended early. Around a quarter to 2 somebody let loose the emergency fire hose so everybody had to leave. T-girl's dance partner asked her for her number and when she politely refused I guess his ego was a bit shot so he yanked the Mexican away from us and they left.
Ah well, another wonderful evening. It doesn't even feel like I'm in Calgary on the weekends anymore. And of course a night at the clubs isn't complete without some noshies. Denny's. Yum. I got home 20 minutes to 4. I'm getting too old for this stuff. I really need to sleep now.