Pushing it
So the run for the Stanley Cup is over, we can all rest now, right?
That's what I thought...but I can't seem to let up. On anything.
Julio's Barrio recently opened up in Kensington. I haven't been there in ages. First (and last) time I was there was at West Edmonton Mall when Civic and I went for that weekend getaway. All I had there was their sangria, 'cuz I'm a sangria whore like that, and theirs was the best sangria I had ever had in my life. Barely any wine taste to it, and loads upon loads of fruits just soaking in the glorious concoction.
So naturally I dragged Civic and Daisy to Calgary's newborn Julio's as well as mr. guy ('cuz he's from Edmonton and knows about the magicalness of the Barrio...though he tends to go on about its lack of authenticity and blah blah)
I had just finished working, Daisy and I were still recuperating from our Red Mile fever, Civic had to work the next morning (overtime), and mr. guy was planning on doing some work on a client's Corvette the next morning as well. So, you know, we were all going to behave and end our evening early for once.
Civic got up and left us around 11. The rest of us didn't really call it quits until midnight.
At which point Bizkette called and asked if we were going to come visit her.
Yes, we should have behaved and just headed home but come on! It's Friday! Seeing as I had presents in tow (I had already given mr. guy his birthday present, but was still toting Bizkette's with me) I asked the other two what they thought and we all headed down to Chez Bizkette.
Bizkette and her guy(?...let's just call him DMX) were in the process of painting her pad. Or rather, DMX was going to paint her pad. Seeing as painting is mr. guy's thing he threw in his own two cents on the whole thing and him and DMX moved around Bizkette's heavy furniture while us girly-girls just sat around schmoozing.
Then us girly-girls decided to go on an alcohol run. Please bear in mind that Daisy and I were already running on 2/3 pitchers of sangria EACH (2 pitchers divvied up between Daisy, Civic, and myself).
I don't think I ever drank so much alcohol when I was younger and all this drunkenness was new and fresh to my newly-legal self. It's really weird how that goes.
So yeah, slosh more alcohol down our throats. I can't even explain why I do it. It's not to get drunk. Perhaps it's to waste even more money, I don't know. The guys were scrubbing down the walls or something. I don't know. Us girls tried to play Scrabble, but that didn't hold our attention for very long. Bizkette decided to show mr. guy embarassing pics of us girls. Friends aren't supposed to do that, are they? I thought that was my mom's job.
He thinks I should grow my hair out again 'cuz he thinks it's nicer long. Typical guy. Myself, I find long hair boring and blah and I feel more vibrant with short/shortish hair, but whatever.
Then later on I found out he thought it was nice 'cuz my hair is wavy when it's long. Nutty boy, that was a perm! And he should know better, too, given his own hair situation. How would hair get wavy if it's stick straight when it's short???
You gotta wonder about him sometimes.
Anyway, I can't say I really knew how we spent all that time at Bizkette's. Sometime later one of DMX's friends came over and mr. guy and Daisy were fading away on Bizkette's couch. (Don't ever tell me you need a nap for "just 5 minutes." 'cuz you know as well as I that that just makes you worse off when you get up.)
Daisy finally surrendered around 5:30 (I think) and we bid Bizkette adieu. Birds were chirping, sun was rising, good lord.
Then when we dropped off Daisy mr. guy and I had the brilliant notion of going to Denny's for breakfast. Oh man, if I'm not a sucker for punishing myself I don't know what I am.
So yeah, finally slid into bed at 6:30 (my parents were already out...my dad driving my mom to work) and I'm surprised I didn't get any flack from the parents about it -- it's not very lady-like, they say. I actually had 4 hours of sleep before work, which is actually pretty good considering the past 2 weeks I go to work on Saturday with 2 to 2.5 hours sleep usually. But yeah, I don't intend on doing that again anytime soon.