I spoke too soon

As I was headed to work today I got a text message from Weird Kid inviting me out to Project X with him and his coworkers. So I had to confess to my cowardice and turned down his invitation. Besides, I had yoga tonight.

Not sure if all of Project X's plans for this year came together 'cuz Weird Kid hasn't told me all about it yet. He didn't say anything about the coffins with the screens inside. But he did mention they had a full 3D maze, not just one corridor like last year. It tripped him out, apparently. There was one part, a rotating tunnel, that felt like it was closing in on him...shrinking...so he hunched over and walked across with his hands shielding his head.

That part doesn't sound too terrifying.

And there were 2 chainsaw guys this year. I don't like the chainsaw guys.

I wish Halloween didn't have to have the horror and the gore. I'm fine with just a celebration of one's creativity and imagination through costume. But the freaky stuff...I can live without that.

Especially when it comes to little ones. Daisy's mom was telling us about this one little girl for whom Halloween was forever ruined. She had been out trick-or-treating when one house went too far in spooking her. That's horrible. I mean, use your judgment people, if you see a little girl walking up your walkway don't scare her to tears. If I was her parent I would've kicked their asses.

I breezed through a newspaper article where there had been a commotion over some lady's Halloween decorations at her house. She went all out and simulated a pick-up truck rollover on her lawn. Apparently it was so realistic that people called EMS over to her house.

What does a vehicle rollover have to do with Halloween, anyway? Gore is so tacky. (And yet I love Kill Bill Vol. I. Funny how that works, huh?)

Just like when I told my coworkers I wanted to be a boxer, they suggested I paint a black eye on my face and put a couple of scars here and there. That's not my scene. Besides, I'd want to be a champion boxer, not a loser.

Or when Civic suggested I go as Go-Go Yubari post-kill by the Bride. Table leg sticking out of my head, blood streaming from my eyes and all. Ugh. *shudders*

I just saw the video for Hoobastank's "The Reason" (Yeah, I'm behind) and I was getting pissed off while I was watching it.

"What???? He ran over his girlfriend to create a diversion just so he could jack a safe and steal a stupid ruby???"

But then I realized she was in on the plan. So now I don't understand what that all had to do with the song. Did she turn him on to a life of crime? How did he hurt her? What did he wish he didn't do? Disappoint her by being a law-abiding citizen?

Love the song despite it being overplayed. I could do without the video, though.

And also, for the first time, I saw the video for Jesse Cook's "Fall At Your Feet." That song always makes me hot. Unfortunately, though, he doesn't do it for me. Again, I could've just done with the song and without the video. Stupid videos.

First time I also saw Nelly Furtado's "Explode." She disappointed me. I've always admired her style, but in this video she looks like a hippie. Say it ain't so, Nelly! It didn't work for her at all.

I love Gwen Stefani's new single. When I first heard of her going solo I thought it was kind of irrelevant since she's the only one singing on No Doubt's tracks...but now I get it. I love the new vibe. I also love how she named her album the same as her fashion line Love Angel Music Baby (L.A.M.B.) I've always loved how she did that. I could say that that's what my initials stand for, but that's too cheesy and pop culture.

Oooh, Usher and Alicia Keys' "My Boo" is on now. That's my jam!
