
30K visitors! It pales in comparison to some people's visitors but it's good enough for lil ol' me.

I went and got my eyebrows shaped yesterday. I opted for threading 'cuz it's something I've always wanted to try. You know what? I like it. My skin wasn't as red and irritated afterwards as it usually is with waxing, dare I say it was (slightly) less painful, they're able to shape the brow a lot better with the threading method, and it doesn't take any longer than waxing. I'd say I'm a new convert to threading...but getting them waxed is just more convenient location-wise so we'll see if I'm fully reformed.

Speaking of altering one's self, a good friend informed me that he wants to get a vasectomy. Holy crap, I didn't know guys my age thought about these things. Completely different ends of the spectrum...I'm baby-crazed and he's baby-avoidant (is that a word? Doesn't look right.) Don't think he's fully convinced of his decision, though, since he's also going to get some of his "juice" frozen, you know just in case, 'cuz vasectomies aren't always succesfully reversed. Insanity.

Here I am blogging when I'm supposed to be busy converting myself into Betty Rubble. I better get on that.
