Feed the need

I need to blog. Despite time constraints and laziness and everything I need to blog. So here I go. Whatever comes out comes out.

Mijo's my idol, do you know that? I'm crazy about the guy, and not in a Fatal Attraction demented sort of way. He picked me up twice..TWICE...this holiday season, even if I didn't need picking up, he picked me up. He is like the bestest pal I haven't even met yet. :)

On Christmas Eve I ran into mr. guy at the mall. It was far from a catastrophe 'cuz it was nice seeing him again, but it was also bittersweet as it was a reminder as to why I can't really be friends with him anymore. Oh well. "Oh well" she says? "Oh well" I say 'cuz the very next day (yes, Christmas Day) I got an unexpected call from Mijo! I haven't heard that boy's voice in ages! Our conversation, however brief, was a superhappyecstatic present to me!

And then today, before all the chaos of New Year's Eve falls upon us, I get a holiday card from Mijo. This amplifies the joyous occasion! Wow, it's been 7 years. I think it's a testament to how great a friend he is. There aren't any others from the internet that I can claim to have stayed in touch with for such a long period of time. But it's simple. Mijo's a snazzycakes boss of a friend. In a medium where people can come and go so easily and conveniently he's always been around for me. I appreciate that, wholeheartedly.

Other than that, I'm numbed by all the news of the tsunami in SE Asia. It feels like 9/11 all over again. It looks like something straight out of a movie. Disasters like this aren't supposed to exist. I am thankful that none of my loved ones have been hurt or affected, but my heart goes out to those who HAVE been affected. And I'm not talking about the morons who have been interviewed for our local papers who brag about feeling safe in their 9th floor hotel room and are going to continue on with their vacation 'cuz this disaster "does not affect (them) in any way." You people need to take the blinders off your eyes and have a heart. How you can be unaffected by what you have just witnessed is beyond me.

The end of 2004 has been quite a zoo for many people, I have noticed. Here is hoping that 2005 is tons better.

And p.s. Mijo rocks my world. *giggles* I'll be embarassed if he ever read this. He's just such a great guy is all. Not that you guys don't rock as well.
