Wouldn't it be nice?

Since I didn't have to work till late today I once again indulged in my guilty pleasure for the afternoon: All My Children.

It must run in the family blood or something. My dad has watched it off and on ever since he immigrated here over 30 years ago. He then introduced it to my grandma and my mom and I've watched bits and pieces of it ever since I was born, I'm sure. I've had my little stints with General Hospital but I just didn't get attached to it the way I'm drawn to All My Children.

Anyway, I digress.

Our local network always pops in a 3 minute or so news update on stories of interest health-wise. Today's segment really caught my fancy. Apparently the University of Calgary is doing research on the amazing cancer-destroying ability of a common virus.

I wish you could see the computer simulation I saw on TV this afternoon. I was excited. They didn't mention whether or not they're doing any research on how this virus battles my kind of cancer (Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma) but since mine is apparently rare I can understand how they would rather focus their attentions on more common cancers...saving more people.

Wouldn't it be wild if the cures for all our ails were so abundant and easily accessible? Call me a hippie, but I'm sure we have all the resources to heal everyone in the world. They just haven't been discovered yet. And perhaps it's not a matter of a paste made of chewed bark and mushed-up berries.
