I should've known...

... that two hours after I go check on the status of my cell phone (in person, I might add) they would call me and tell me it's available for pick up. I mean, it's only been gone for 2 months, after all.

Wasted time. Wasted time.

In other news, I should know a lot of things. But still it's as if I'm born to repeat other people's mistakes. Am I proud of that? Of course not. If I recognize it then why can't I change? I have no clue.

But if you can see it coming then it's not a big deal when the time comes, right? You've had time to brace yourself, harden yourself. Let's just keep telling ourselves that.

Wasted time? I'm not so sure about that. In fact, it doesn't feel like a waste of time at all. It may not be productive but it's certainly not a waste of time if you're enjoying yourself.
