Pick it up
I had a day off today and finally arranged doctors' appointments galore. I booked an appointment for my physical and checkup with my doctor. It'll also give me the opportunity to ask for a referral for a breast reduction consultation. It's time to stop talking about it and actually, earnestly, look into it. My dentist dropped the ball and hadn't set up my annual checkup (which should've been last month) so I had to call them myself and get an apppointment made. I also had to make a follow-up/checkup appointment with my head and neck specialist (the doctor who performed my parotidectomy)...that was totally my fault. If I were to follow my follow-up schedule I should have seen him back in August. Oops. And the only reason I remembered that was because my appointment at the Tom Baker came in the mail last week. So I booked my cancer dentist appointment now, too. It's kind of weird; last year my oncologist mentioned that this upcoming appointment may be my last one. I can't believe it. It's hard to imagine that it's been almost four years since I went through all that radiation therapy rigamarole.
This also means that a little over a year from now I'll be cancer-free for five years. I can't remember when I wrote about it in here (and I'm too lazy to fish through the archives for it) but the five-year mark was when I said I'd pick up my life and start looking into the future again. Looking back, I've slacked off plenty for too long. You could even say that I've been pretty selfish these past few years. But at the time it just felt ridiculous to plan for a future that I might not have been there to enjoy. Stupid, I know, and overly dramatic considering the past seems like such a small blip in my life. But I'm ready to go. I need to travel more, I want kids, I want the life.
Enough about me, though. Tonight was the first night I had free to catch my Flames playing on TV. They played, and unfortunately lost to, the Dallas Stars. *sigh* They haven't been doing very well. I know the season has just begun, but my Flames have to pick it up. I guess we have a lot to do. It was pretty nice to watch them play with my siblings...just like the playoffs. My brother with his Corona, me with my A Marca Bavaria, and baby sis with a Bacardi Breezer (it's so cute seeing my baby sis drink.) Kind of out of practice, I didn't really get into the game vocally until 3rd period. That and I'm not quite sure how the new rules work.
One thing that hasn't changed? Iggy is still hot as hell. :)