And then there were four.
My dad and Weird Kid left for Manila today. Thursday my mom and Baby Sis will follow suit. It turns out my grandma will be here to keep me company at home, not that we get around to talking a whole lot. I had asked her if she wanted to go to Toronto to visit my uncle while the rest of the family was away since I'm gone for so much of the day but instead she just asked around the family circle for visitors/lola-sitters to provide companionship during the daytime.
I cried. Weird Kid's response: "Oh geez, Le, why do you have to start?"
My dad can never deal with seeing me cry. So my teddy-bear father with the tough outer shell got choked up in reaction.
But what I didn't expect was Weird Kid tearing up a little, too. Man, my family is a bunch of saps. :) And they always teased me for being the over-emotional one.
I'm sure Weird Kid is getting a good rest on the flight right now. He never fails to sleep on planes, whereas I have to be past exhausted to even doze off a little on flights. Plus I'm sure our bon voyage poker tournament (it ended at quarter to four this morning) will help him get all snoozy. We even squeezed in one last Ikea breakfast before he skips the country/continent.
Last night was my company's awards night/dinner. I met a cutie there. Whodathunkit? Unfortunately, he's our rep for one of our software programs so I don't really know if it's kosher to flirt with the bigwigs but it didn't go past the evening anyway. Plus he came all the way from Ontario for our special event. That makes the second cutie I've met from the East in the past year. Maybe I've been too harsh on Toronto. Anyway, at least I got a drink out of it. Though since we were at the Big Rock Brewery they didn't really have any of my preferred poisons.
While I wasn't able to qualify for any awards yet I did win a breadmaker in the door prizes. Me! The bakery addict! Man, it feels like Christmas morning all over again. :) I can't wait to make my first loaf. Talk about a convenience my figure could most certainly do without, but oh how it makes me happy. :)
Friday night was my first salsa class. Yes, yours truly finally joined a class. I'm excited. The last class ends right before my birthday weekend. Can we say "Leah the salsera?" Ohhh yes.
After my salsa class the girls and I (Daisy, Flag Girl, and Latina) headed to Mynt Ultralounge to try and catch the ice lounge before it melts and shuts down like it did the year before. We actually got to see it this time...though I think it was on its way out yet again. Our winter has been so mild!
Besides, if they weren't planning on shutting it down this weekend I'm sure they're closing shop soon after my friends and I were there.
I kind of broke the ice lounge.
We were sitting in one of the ice booths chatting. I leaned back...and whoosh! The entire wall behind us collapsed. It fell straight down, thank goodness, or else we could have seriously been hurt.
But I was in such shock I couldn't stop laughing. The bouncers came around to survey the damage and I'm sure they were not impressed with my lack of respect for the ruined structure. Thinking back on their reaction I should have been the annoyed one myself given that they were more concerned about the ice wall instead of the well-being of their patrons. But none of us were hurt so I can't really complain to them about it.
Man, if my destruction of the ice lounge does not warrant an I Saw You in next week's FFWD I'll be sorely disappointed. Haha.