Easter treats
Happy Easter, everyone!
I'm proud to say I survived my whole Lent thing. Well, minus my birthday weekend. But I figured I still did more than 40 days so I'm all clear.
And to celebrate, my family and I are going to have some gorgeous steaks and baked potatoes. Easter and the first BBQ of the year. It doesn't get any better than that. I commend my family's innovativeness (is that a word?) As much as I love turkey a steak would be a dream come true right about now.
Go Flames Go! I can't wait for my Iggy jersey to arrive! It must be soon. Just in time for playoffs, mmmm. Weird Kid and I should go pick up some more beer to prepare. We finished off the Coronas during last week's Pokerfest. (I finished in 5th...but I had a great time and some fantastic hands.)
Civic comes home today but Daisy is away for Easter break. Figures one comes home and the other one goes away. At least I only had to entertain myself for a couple of days, haha.
Posie and Lana came over on Friday to spend some time together and touch base. Oh, the drama. I don't know what I would do in Posie's position...I mean, I completely sympathize with her, would I probably have done the same thing she did? Does that make it "right?" All I can wish for is her happiness, really. And that's how it should be. I just wish there was a more clean-cut way of going about it. It's amazing the adult conversations that can be had over a game of Candyland and Beauty and the Beast puzzles.