
Last week was the traditional Calgary gong-show we all know (and some love) as the Calgary Stampede. And while I still had a great time this year the exhibition grounds left me wanting. I do not usually complain about the price the way others do. I figure it's only once a year and I can't understand the griping over the cost of admission when it is comparable to going to a first-screening movie. But this time I did notice the prices getting gouge-y once you were already in the gates. 9 dollars for a "pizza on a stick" or a "london broil cheesesteak" is simply uncalled for. A 2 dollar increase in my "Whack-A-Mole" -- plus the hunch that the carnies are starting to recognize me and try to keep me off my skilled game -- takes quite a bit of fun out of it. But even things that were still, I suppose, reasonably priced, were not as enjoyable as they once were. After one mini-donut I really did not feel like having any more. The smells of all the food stands and all the smokers all around me seemed to have a greater impact on me than in past years. Moreover, though I once used to be able to conquer every single ride on the midway these days those spinny rides are starting to make me queasy. My poor future babies! Who will ride with them? Their mama will be a total pansy!

Again, Daisy's birthday could be and was celebrated during Stampede week. We tried out Seven Restolounge which had always piqued my curiosity. I looked forward to the opportunity to get a bit glammed up and have a great time being fabulous with my friends. However, once I started ransacking my closet when outfit after coordinated outfit hung off of me like sacks of rice I was at a loss for a fabulous ensemble to wear to the affair. In the end I found an old Asian-inspired halter top and my shorties with my snazzy new Vixen belt to break up the monotony...but I felt like somewhat of a hooch as it has been at least a couple of years since I had bared that much skin.

3 martinis later (and yummy ones, to boot!) and all my discomfort was long gone. I felt fabulous and although my outfit wasn't one I had originally had in mind I was quite happy with how my improving body was presented in it.

A blessing in disguise since I am headed on holidays this coming weekend. If I had just assumed that all my clothes would still fit me I would have ended up with no clothes to wear on my vacation! An emergency shopping trip with my mom rectified all of that. But I still need to pack it all.

The funny thing was even though I let myself slide quite a few times -- who can keep their diets when it's Stampede week?! -- my body was still losing the inches. I tried on a few of my little sister's clothes and was amazed that they know fit me. No unsightly bulges or pinches or anything! I still cannot believe how many sizes I have lost. And to confirm all this I bought a pair of shorts for the trip this evening in the next smallest size on blind faith and lo and behold they fit me divinely! I am on a super-high right now. The weight may not be down to where I thought I should be by now but the difference in size is more than I was expecting at this point. And truly, that's really all that matters to me in the long run. I just want to look my hottest in the years to come.

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
