Ze Great '08

A fantastic year thus far, to be sure. I have so much to be thankful for and thrilled about I could easily say 2008 has been one of my best years ever.

  • Vegas, baby!
  • New York NEW YORK
  • 35 pounds lighter and still going! Slowly but surely...
  • Fantastic family time in Alaska
  • Montreal, here I come!
  • I met and dated a hawt dancing guy so my confidence has been reaffirmed. (Although I still miss my brainiac not-so-social boy... it's nice to know I can play in the same league as the "beautiful people.")
  • I got to ride in a helicopter. Woohoo!

I have seen some bloggers start up "bucket lists" and although I never like to follow trends I thought this was an excellent idea. I thought it would be easy to come up with 1000 things that I have yet to do and would like to do but I am having a bit of writer's block. I haven't even come up with 100! I thought I wouldn't put anything that I have already done on there but I've tossed them in since I would like to check them off my list (ie. riding in a helicopter). Hopefully at some point I'll have a substantial list to share with everyone but for now I'll keep it under wraps until I have developed it better. But this year has been so great for me I can't imagine not checking off more on my list in the coming months so it will be hard to keep the list long!

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
