Let's Get It Started

What a wonderful weekend! Such a great beginning to the new year. On Friday I got to enjoy calamari and pizza at Manie's. Anyone who knows me has to know that I absolutely love the pizza (and really, all the food) at Manie's so it was a great way to "binge" before I started my diet back up in earnest. And to make the meal even more enjoyable I got to dine with Civic and Daisy. The original 3 out on 17th again! Complete with my big bowl of Vietnamese coffee at Caffe Beano and it was fabulous beginning to the weekend.

Even though I had to work on Saturday (and really I don't have much to complain about since we only work one Saturday a month now between all of us!) the day was not for naught. Weird Kid treated me to my first ever lower bowl experience for a Flames game! We were in row 12 -- a fortunate number, of course -- and I was able to celebrate in-house when my beloved Iggy scored his 500th career goal with the Flames! An amazing night, to be sure. Have you seen how the domers are filled from the bottom up, now? I had seen a video on YouTube showing the same kind of concept at another arena and had heard they now do the same at the Saddledome. It seemed magical! But after I had my domer the mystery and novelty were long gone. I kept inadvertently poking my finger through the pour hole and wasting precious brew. Oh, and just an FYI in case you didn't know. Domers are no longer Molson Canadians...they are now Budweisers! Talk about lack of national pride. And in case you have no idea what I'm talking about with regards to the magical beer process here you go. And to end the Flames game on an uber high fan-note I got an Iggy stuffed doll (called a "Bleacher Creature!") and a 500th goal hockey puck. I am, if nothing, full of little fan-girl glee!

Fast forward to this morning and I completely slept in. I woke up 5 minutes AFTER I was supposed to meet SANDy (I think she's new to my blog, as in, I've never mentioned her before. Hence I am giving her a Tokidoki moniker) at the Health and Fitness show at the convention centre. I felt so bad; I had enlisted her to come weigh-in with me and hopefully we would motivate one another to work hard and possibly win the trip -- this year to Jamaica. But she was a doll and waited for me, I got there "only" a half hour late...and for the record I called her to let her know I was uber late. I suppose posting my weight and body fat percentage on here would increase my accountability but I cannot bring myself to doing that. Let's just say I have a lot of work to do again. No surprise there.

With my time at the show cut short I had to continue on (without breakfast and lunch thanks to my poor timing) to the mall to watch Happy Feet 2 with the familia. I walked in just as the theatre lights started to dim; and I think we were the only adult family there to see the movie hehe. The original Happy Feet has some sentimentality to all of us so we would have been remiss not to see the 2nd one. At the risk of embarrassing myself and sounding like a total kid I loved this one even more, I think.

And with that I being my new revamp. Tomorrow I start up on my South Beach Diet once again. I also have the most recent South Beach Diet Recharged book for motivation and reference. Wish me luck!

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
