I am still so tired. Babes figures it's due to the keto diet since I do not have much sugar going on. I'm not sure if I should consult my doctor yet or not.
They offered more overtime at work, closing at 11 all weekdays in April. It exhausts me even thinking about it. It's really too bad. I love being helpful around the centre because I am so proud of what we do, but I can't do more at the cost of my own energy and time at this point.
Next week is daddy's birthday. The family and I are going to go to mass at Church; they have been pretty good about Covid protocols but I still would prefer to keep the family safe, but it's for dad. It's been months since I have walked in there so I don't know how painful it will be to be there again and imagine dad's casket in front of the alter. A high school classmate mentioned on Facebook today that she was missing her and her dad's birthday breakfast tradition for the 13th year...and she said the same thing as Butch's mom did -- it does not get easier. I guess we all just have to breathe deep and send our love skyward until we see them again.