Ring Ring

 Today was my first day in weeks (other than my overtime Saturdays) where I was on the phones for my full shift rather than helping out the new hires in chat room support. They're starting to wean them off of our chat assistance -- how quickly they leave the nest!

It was also my late shift -- got to sleep in a little bit and take a relaxed morning before work. I walked for 90 minutes on the treadmill but at a slow pace to not freak my ankle out too bad. But it was almost too slow of a pace so I kept punching the speed up one press at a time every once in a while. I did wear my ankle support to be safe. So far so good, knock on wood.

My best friend from elementary school wished me a "happy birthday" out of the blue. I haven't heard from her in forever and she did not reply when I texted her last summer. I have not told her about dad.

The siblings and I are now hooked on playing Yahtzee against one another. Thanks a lot baby sis!
