Bachelor no. 1: If I were an Oreo cookie...
I just don't get it. I went out with one guy and I behaved one way. I go out on a date with another guy and it's like I'm a completely different person! It's a total Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde thing going on (except, you know, not hideously ugly and violent). Why can't I be the same "Leah" with both of the guys? Am I being fake with one and sincere with the other? It doesn't feel like it! *checks herself*
Will the real Leah please stand up?
What makes it even more sad is that I wish I could be the second version of me when I'm around the first guy. Truth be told guy A was my favorite. Still is (especially the more I meet other guys).
Guy B...well, I know what he's about. I don't want to keep up that kind of relationship. But then why am I a more fun Leah when I'm with him? Am I in denial about which guy I really "click" with?
Truth be told I shouldn't even bother choosing either one. Guy A is always busy and he let me know where we were at right from the beginning. So really I couldn't even choose guy A 'cuz it's not mutual. Guy B makes time for me, but it's not for the right reasons.
It's funny how when you write things down it all becomes clear even though you probably already knew it to begin with. And it always sucks being so practical 'cuz we all know the practical option sucks. It sucks goats.
Anyway, apart from those two, it's as if I have become, as Civic has so aptly put it, a "pansy magnet." And you know why that is, right?
Yeah. Valentine's Day.
But they've started earlier this year...guys scrambling for attention more than a month in advance! Unfortunately, they're also clingy and pansy and, oh, too much to bear.
One hedged his risks when approaching me. Not only did he approach me but a little bit of snooping and I found out he had been "harassing" (that's right, I said it...though it's more along the lines of sad, whiny pestering) a whole slew of other girls. Within the first 10 minutes of our conversation he told me that:
a) he wanted to watch me dance; (this was after I told him I couldn't meet him for coffee due to dance class...but oh no, he couldn't join the class himself, he just wanted to watch *shudders*)
b) he wanted me to join him at his place for, what was clearly, a couples poker night with marrieds and the whole relationship Noah's Ark the following weekend; (yeah, I realize that does not make any sense, but I like it)
c) he would like to know my availability Sunday night since I was not available Friday or Saturday...what about a weekday? What about right now? I wasn't doing anything particular at the moment so clearly I'm free for coffee, right?
This went on for several days. I'm not telling you this 'cuz I'm bragging about all his pleading to go out with little old me. In fact, it's embarrassing that guys like him try to exhaust me into going out with them.
After I'd had enough, he got blizzocked.
Oy, remember bus guy? Just thought I'd throw that in there, for old times' sake
Then we have another typical type who gets pissed when you don't greet them immediately, though you don't have much to say to them. If they're like that now I can only imagine what it would be like to actually be dating someone similar.
And then there are those who flat out tell you they think they like you and would like to have a relationship with you (and no lie, they tell you this in those exact words) by your first conversation. Forget the fact that they are basing this on a profile you have not updated in years *cough* MySpace *cough* nor does it describe you in a whole lot of detail. And to top it all off, they have not even met you in person!
Yes, you could chastise me for whining about these guys when all I do is hang around online. So what am I supposed to expect, right?
Or maybe I'm in the same sad-boat as the rest of them. It'd be nice if guy A liked me a little more. But I know what it's like so out of respect I leave him be.