You can't hide.

Well yesterday was quite a social, see-and-be-seen sort of day. Went to lunch with Civic, ran into an aunt. Saw an uncle from my office window as he was returning to work after lunch. Returned a call from Posie and ended up hanging out with her a bit after work. Then came Daisy for our daily commute home together, and I come across another aunt (who apparently had no idea I was working downtown now). And just when I settle down on the bus stop bench to read my book and listen to the luscious Craig David, a friend from my travel program comes along and so now I have another person to chat with on the commute home. Even had a few emails back and forth with Mijo, who I barely ever get to hear from/talk to anymore. I'm sure I wasted my "potential social energy" yesterday, it was just flowing forth like there was no tomorrow. I should have focussed all my "powers" on having Flamingo or Mr. K, or even Vin Diesel, walk through my agency door asking to book a trip to Puerto Rico for them and me. *s*

Posie told me Lana is "an amazing child". The little girl is 4 and a half months old and she already wants to pull herself up (with a lil help from mommy's fingers to latch onto and pull from, of course) into a sitting position. I see her doing unbelievable things soon. I love that little kid.

On the subject of little godchildren, it's my godson's 3rd birthday party this Saturday. That little guy is a bundle of hyperenergy. He's a wonderful kid as well. All my godchildren are lovely. I'm thinking of going to Toronto for a weekend or so sometime soon. I received a roundtrip standby ticket to Toronto here at work and my boss is encouraging me to take advantage of it. It would be wonderful to see my goddaughter again, I haven't seen her in over 2 years now. I wsh she didn't live in Toronto, though, as much as I love the city, the people who live within it are horrible. I hate the people of Toronto in general. Too bad I have family out there.
