I was looking so good, I couldn't reject myself

Ah, the girls are following suit into blogland, good stuffs. Have more to read when work gets slow *s*.

SunMoon girl is getting ready to head out to an exclusive island in the Caribbean, Guana in the British Virgin Islands. She'll be a massage therapist to their high-class clientele for 6 months. I swear, some people have all the luck.

SunMoon and I have been friends since 4th grade, so about 14 years now. (Whoa, 4th grade was 14 years ago!!!) There were times when I treated her like shit, which makes it miraculous that we're still friends, really. But I'm extremely grateful that we're still pals.

I haven't travelled much without my family, but when I did (which was usually through school activities) she was always there with me. The way these trips always worked themselves out, she said it was as if I wanted boyfriends all over the world. (I prefer to call them Hot Boyz, a la Missy Elliott) I dunno where she got that idea, but I appreciated the thought that she figured I would be able to do such a thing. *s* And now that I think back to those times, I guess I always liked having fun with guys away from home because I didn't hafta deal with the hassle of them always being around once I return. A lot of these guys barely even count. Like the first trip we had, Seattle, I don't even know the name of the guy. Just somebody I was dancing with that nite. Everything starts out simple enuf, right?

Then came Orlando. I met a guy there on like our (I think) 2nd to last nite in Orlando. We were all part of a choral competition down there and he was representing a high school in La Verne, CA. It was kinda hard not to notice their group as they were our biggest competition. If we weren't winning the category it was most likely their choir that won it. That was one reason I got interested: he was on a winning team. Always love a winner. Plus, he looked kinda Spanish-like...so me being in my Spanish-loving days (what am I talking about? I still am.) had me into him even more. Then I found out he could breakdance! So I was hooked. Unfortunately, lame lil me, all I did was have me and my friends dance near him and his group the whole nite. Only time I made any contact with him was during the Bird Dance. Of all things! I can't believe I just admitted to that. Anyway, I guess it worked 'cuz we saw them again at Epcot the next day and I got up the nerve to go talk to him.

I completely lied to him to get his picture *lol* I had said that he looked just like some super distant cousin that I had and wanted to take a picture to see if my mom or someone could recognize/spot the resemblance. Anyway, he fell for it (I think) and I was all happy (hey, it's high school) and we exchanged addies so we could be pen pals and all that sweet and innocent stuffs. Bearcat (we'll call him that) became an obsession for the next 2 days or so. I even wrote him a letter already that nite, was gonna leave it at the front desk before we left the next morning. Embarassing thing was, they called up to his room right away about the letter and I ran into him after breakfast and he read the dang thing right while I was standing there.

Luckily, I wasn't my stoopid high school self, professing my love for him on paper (I would've never had the guts to send a letter like that, anyway) and it was just basic chitchat. Learned a lot about him in the last half hour before I left and I went home thinking I had found the dood of my dreams. He was half-Flip, half-Spanish, lived in California (which I was obsessed with when I was younger) we already knew he could breakdance and sing. What more could I ask for, right? But guess what??? First letter I get from him once I get back home....he admits he's got a girlfriend. Scum! As much as I wanted to win the boy, I didn't think it was very doable and our correspondence died after maybe 3 rounds of letters back and forth max. Tis a shame.

There've been other guys during my travels, but they're all pretty much like the first guy from Seattle, a simple encounter in a bar-type atmosphere, just more grown up experiences than they used to be. My cousin was livid when I fooled round with this one guy in Toronto. Soooo overprotective.

There was this one guy, though, from the Toronto area. My cousin was pretty overprotective that time, too, but we never really did much 'cuz he had brought a friend and I had brought my cousin. Plus, we were at that age where net-boyfriends and net-girlfriends were something to do and we both had one, and they all knew one another so it would've been messy. He's one of the guys I miss the most, though. We clicked so well right away, my grandma was always getting mad at me 'cuz I kept tying up my uncle's phone talking with D'Angelo (his old screen name). He was another obsession. I called him even when I was out shopping with my cousin and got bored. Unfortunately, the one time we met in real time, his friend that tagged along was a real jerk and my cousin was not much help either. She wouldn't even let them walk us up to her apartment. He was going to take me to the Lil Kim concert but I was considered underage in their backwards province (u should've seen the smug look on his friend's face, bastard) so really we only got to hang out that once the whole two weeks I was there that summer. But once I got home and it would've cost long-distance to talk to him and we were both too lazy to email things pretty much died. By the next summer and both of us were "single" we didn't really put much effort into meeting or talking on the phone like the previous year. D'Angelo is one of the few internet friends that I've lost touch with and miss dearly. Tis another shame.

Anyway, all stories shared here shall be PG-13 and so that pretty much sums up all I can share about the whole "international hot boyz" theory SunMoon girl has regarding yours truly. I'm gonna miss you while you're gone, SunMoon, but we'll travel together again someday, 'cuz someone's gotta keep track of who's who. *s*
