Should read: Monday, September 30, 2002

Ah, the weekend. Other people may have found my weekend boring, but it sure pooped me out. Can't say I would've had it any other way. Friday was dinner with the girls, Sunflower and Aqua. We manage to find some common time maybe once a month or so. Fortunately for the lil group, Daisy was able to make a showing a lil later to share dessert and a martini. We're all pretty diffy people now. Not that we weren't all diffy from one another before, but we're more able to be our diffy selves. I remember back in the day when we all did the same things just for a lack of anything better to do together. Now we get to do more of our own thing. Aqua prefers the more laid back scene with bowling and beer, Sunflower is even more laid back and is content with chilling at home conversing with her boo, while Daisy and I are still trying to live it up comparing ourselves with the social vixens of the likes of Sex and the City. Imagine her mother's surprise when the other two girls dropped us off at Daisy's house early on in the evening. I had offered to help her cut some laminating for her kindergarten class. Mrs. G immediately exclaimed "You two should be out dancing!" the minute we walked in the door. I didn't mind helping Daisy out at all, the poor girl is always swamped with teaching related work to do, more than any other job any of us have. However, the fact that a parent actually told us we should be out having fun rather than working made me ever more fearful of becoming an old fuddy duddy. We tried our best to liven it up after all the cutting was done, wandering down to nosh and socialize some more, alas, it was not to be Friday nite...I had work early Saturday morning.

Saturday morning came, bringing with it a new day of being a fuddy duddy. It was not so painful at least. One of the reasons I have a hard time leaving retail is the whole social aspect of it. You meet so many new and different people being in retail. And when sales are slow the whole department becomes like a makeshift water cooler. Getting paid to socialize, it doesn't get any better than that.

A strange number called my celly Saturday evening. It was this guy I chatted with on ICQ (no worries, it wasn't Misfit, this was back in the day when I figured giving out my celly number wasn't a huge deal 'cuz I could always block them out if they turned out to be pains in the asses) wanting to know if I remembered him, remembered what we had talked about way back when (yeah, I can talk a lotta shit *s*) and was I interested in hooking up for some, well, "hooking up." The nerve of the guy! Who calls someone on a Saturday nite last minute??? The fact that he even tried to get me out on a Saturday nite on a few hours notice just begged the question why he didn't already have plans for the nite which struck me as pathetic. Maybe he was essentially a nice guy, but last minute booty calls just scream out L O S E R. It greatly offends me that he would even think that he could get laid on such short notice and with ME of all people. I don't come cheap nor easy! *s* "Well, ok, you have my number so call me when you have some time." Riiiiiiight.

Nevertheless, I truly did have plans for that nite. It was my godson's birthday dinner/party and I would spend time with my lil godchildren over moronic booty-fishing boys any day. I learned something parental about myself that nite. If I ever have children I am going to be one overprotective freak-out mother. I've snapped at one of my cousins before over how he treats his younger brother (and his parents, and pretty much the whole family in general) and I just about freaked out at this little brat the other nite. I've never liked this girl, she's pushy and unbelievably obnoxious. When she bosses my sister and my cousins around I feel like strangling her. Unfortunately, the mother does not do anyrhing, but she's a friend of my aunts and cousins and so her and her demonspawn are frequently invited to familial get togethers. Everyone's too nice to say something to her about her daughter, yet they dread having their own children play with the twerp. Perhaps I may be too outspoken in the matter 'cuz I always feel like yelling at the kid in my own little cousins/sister's/godchildren's defence. My mom actually had to send me out of my godson's room where all the kids were playing for a little while lest the mother overhear me arguing with her kid. It was a good thing, too, 'cuz I probably would've just laid it on her till she cried. That scares me...that I could snap at another kid so easily, and all 'cuz I want the kids I love to be happy. Kinda psychotic, actually. Maybe, to save myself from getting in trouble, I should just teach my lil loved ones to stand up for themselves. Now there's a healthier idea. *s* Luckily, my lil godson takes no crap, and that chokes me with pride. It probably freaks out his parents, but if that girls shoves him down, he jumps right up and pushes her right back. And they wonder why that girl isn't doing well in preschool.
