Your eyes are like a gateway to another world, and I would love to be a part of that

I heard this on a teaser commercial for that sitcom Good Morning Miami (man, unless that show starts to get funny, I can't imagine it sticking around very long). It may be a horrible show, but when I heard that line I was like "Damn, that's pretty good." Of course, now noone will ever be able to use it, but I admired their romantic cheesiness coming up with that line.

That whole thing made me think about eyes and what I think about them and what I love about them, blah blah blah. This gave me the idea of doing a five segment commentary on things that just pop into my head with regards to each of the five senses. Today is obviously sight.

Sunflower has a whole bunch of entries regarding physical appearances and attraction. She goes further as to discuss what she considers the line between being shallow and what is justified for not giving others a chance. I'm uncertain about where she thinks that line actually is, but I'll just go ahead and say that I'm shallow. I'm not afraid to admit that. As some would say, love me or hate me, this is who I am.

Just like her, I don't really care if guys don't think I'm attractive, so long as I do have those who will find me hot. I dunno, I've heard of unrequited love but it's never really fazed me when I've liked some guy and they didn't like me back. I'm sure it's devastating when it happens, but I guess I've never wanted someone so bad to be all hurt and offended when they don't return the sentiment. Usually, I love what I see when I look in the mirror. Just do the best with what you've got, you know? I love my clothes, I like seeing myself walk past my reflection in windows and mirrors. My friends have assured me that everybody does that, but it still feels a bit vain to me, but I really don't care. If I don't indulge in myself, there's noone really who will. Everyone has their "fat days" when they're just simply devastated by what they see in the mirror, and I'm no exception. It can really get a person down. I hate fat days. Fortunately, they only happen once in a rare while, so I'm usually happy happy happy.

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm quite judgmental based on appearances, so I would be very two-faced if I got riled up if someone should pass their judgment on my own looks. I dish it out, so I should suck it up as well. Easiest and flakiest example would be the internet....people are always asking for your picture online and right off the bat if they don't like your looks they won't pursue any further conversation. I've pretty much conditioned myself the same. I've got my regular pals that I'm happy chatting with so usually I don't really feel like starting up any new convos anyway. Whether they drop me or I'm the one who drops the random chatters, it doesn't bother me in the least. But I do know there are hazards with that.kind of judgment. I would've lost out on some really great friends if I had dropped them based on appearances. Perhaps it all depends on my level of patience that day or how I'm feeling, but I'm glad I've taken the time to get to know people when I did. There's no sense in worrying if I've missed out in the past so long as I have the friends that I've got going into the future. (That sounds unbelievably cheesy and sci-fi, pardon me!)

Worst place for judging would have to be the bars. I can be unbelievably catty with my thoughts/remarks at the bar. Usually I'll try and make Daisy feel better by pointing out some poor clueless soul out on the dancefloor and dishing about how much better her and I are compared to them. I'll rant on their clothes, some kinda flaw in their physical appearance, something. Now whether people would consider that a red flag pointing at low self-esttem, well they can believe what they want to believe. I can't think of a time where I've ever felt below or less kewl than other people so I would say that I'm suffering from perhaps too much self-esteem, if that could even be considered a problem. One of my jr. high crushes even wrote something to that effect in my yearbook, about me not thinking that he was too kewl for me. His message didn't make a lot of sense so I don't know if he thought I should consider him out of my league or maybe he admired me for having that much confidence in myself but I thought "Yeah, damn straight, there's no way you can tell me I don't deserve a guy like you." Anyways, I must be a horrible influence on Daisy 'cuz now she's even getting into the habit of pointing out miserable hapless individuals at the bars for our catty amusement.
