I've been inclined to believe they never would

For aqua angel, and anyone who needs to know the lyrics. I myself, am only able to sing along during the chorus.

Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond

Where it began
I can't begin to knowin'
But then I know it's growin' strong

Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who'd have believed you'd come along

Hands, touchin' hands
Reachin' out
Touchin' me
Touchin' you

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would

But now I
Look at the night
And it don't seem so lonely
We fill it up with only two
And when I hurt
Hurtin' runs off my shoulders
How can I hurt when I'm with you

Warm, touchin' warm
Reachin' out
Touchin' me
Touchin' you

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
Oh, no, no

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
Sweet Caroline

Before dinner on Friday, aqua angel looked at Daisy and I incredulously with a befuddled "What kind of bars do YOU two go to???" when we commented on those great moments when the whole place breaks out in mad song whenever Sweet Caroline comes on. I was shocked she had never experienced such a joyous bonding experience. (Anyone reading out there, if you know of a link where I can get the Molson commercial where they sing this song coming out of the woods PLEASE let me know) Feeling compassion for the poor deprived soul, I almost wanted to ask her "The question is, what kind of bars do YOU go to, missy???" But I know what kind of bars she goes to *grins* so it's all good, and it explains a lot. I don't think people break out into song mid-pole dance.

Imagine the ecstatic look on my face the next nite, during SunMoon's going-away dinner at Jack Astor's, when the aforementioned song came on in the lounge and the whole lounge started to sway and bust their lungs out belting the tune. I soooo wished Daisy and aqua angel had been there! I was even tempted to phone the girl so she could at least hear the madness, but alas my phone was dying and I would need it for a cab-call later that nite. Daisy was still out on her date, I missed having her there at that moment. Her and I absolutely live for those communal singalong moments.

I've forgotten how much I love Jack Astor's. Whatta madhouse! During American Woman (Lenny Kravitz-style) some blond lady jumped up onto the bar and started dancing. I've always felt like doing that, but I never have the drive. Always concerned that some friend of the family or such will witness me making a fool out of myself. Hence why I like to go all nuts when I'm out of town.

Jack Astor's dinner was followed by Coyote's clubbing. Daisy was able to make it to that part of the festivities later on in the nite. SunMoon's friends are great, I wish I had met them earlier before she leaves us for a while...it'd be so nice to hang out with them more. Her friend, Rockbunny, took pictures of the whole evening for SunMoon's benefit. At one point all us ladies were dancing on the speaker (to Lady Marmalade Christina Aguilera-style, unfortunately) and he took a picture of that, must see how well it turned out. I think the reason I like her friends so much is 'cuz they all like to stand out and be the center of attention. Kindred souls, I guess you could say. One of them is a terrific dancer. I was super impressed. Another one was mega energetic, and that enthusiasm makes her a great dancer, too. It was just so fun to be in all of their midst. They played lots of retro music from back in her days, and in the haze of the smoke machine you could imagine that we were all just fun-loving people having fun 20 years ago, except that we were dressed better, of course. I'm going to miss having SunMoon around. I may not see her very often but when we do get together it's always a blast. Just like Banff during Canada Day weekend this year. It would not have been the same without her there. She knew it, too. She gave me and Daisy framed photos of all 3 of us together at Bow Falls. I love it. Good times, good times. Funny thing is I was going to do the same for her with practically the same picture. I must think of something new to do.
