Knock it off, already!

There is a huge world of difference between quality knockoffs and flea market-style knockoffs. Discuss...

This is a massive pet peeve of mine, and I believe it's due for discussion right about now.

I don't mind knockoffs so much, so long as they are convincing. I would rather not buy anything than purchase a knockoff that is absolutely obvious. Lately, the knockoff du jour is phoney Louis Vuitton bags and wallets in the classic design. People need to stop buying this junk. It seems like everyone and their little sister (except for me, 'cuz I know better...and except for my friends, 'cuz I don't think they care for these bags) owns a knockoff classic Louis Vuitton bag. If I were the owner of a genuine LV bag, I would be seriously pissed off. Everyone around you has seen the design so many frigging times that it really doesn't matter to them if yours is authentic and you spent hundreds of dollars on it. It becomes just another bag. How frustrating!

Worst of all, it has become commonplace. I'm sure the regular customers at Holt Renfrew are squirming with disgust whenever they see those bags.

Some words of advice when considering knockoff LV bags, or any knockoff of a high-end bag for that matter:

  1. Try to get one that is the same color as the original (this should be fairly obvious)
  2. Make sure the straps and handles all have finished edges. If people are supposed to believe you spent hundreds on the item, it shouldn't be looking so shoddily designed.
  3. Get a good zipper, and make sure it doesn't have any tell-tale "other brand" embossing on the zipper pull.
  4. A lined purse would be nice. Bonus if the quality of the knockoff even goes as far as to imitate the inside of the bag, you know?
  5. If it was part of the classic design created a few years back, why would it be available in the latest hobo and baguette styles? Think about it for a minute. Trend of the moment purse shapes and classic patterns don't go together.
  6. If it's a vinyl-based knockoff, once it starts cracking STOP USING IT! Throw it away. Everyone knows that the real LV bag would never crack like that.
  7. For the love of fashion, try to be sensible and not follow everyone else. If you buy a phoney LV bag 'cuz "everyone else has one" don't you think that lends even less credibility and cutting-edge style to the image you're trying to portray?
  8. If you want an excellent knockoff, do some research on the real deal and then settle for nothing that falls short of the key trademarks when dishing out your money. It doesn't matter if it's a good price if it's obvious that you paid a "good price."

I admit, I have a knockoff classic Gucci bag. My godmother in the Philippines gave it to me when I was 7 years old while we were visiting there. My mom was all gushing about it, whatta great bag! How was I supposed to know what it was at the time? I was only 7! It's kind of funny that I would use it as a pencil case back in junior high. But as the years have passed I've come to simply adore the little bag. The only flaw I see in it (but there could be lots more flaws, since I was not "aware" back in the classic Gucci handbag days) is that there's no lining. But if you open it away from people so the inside faces you then the ruse is still intact, right? Beautiful thing is that it's so old-school that it would be an amazing feat if anyone my age (or any age younger than my mother's generation, for that matter) even recognized it as a knockoff, let alone recognize what it's supposed to be! One sales associate did recognize the pattern and design, though. I saw her eyeing my purse with awe when I laid it on the counter to sign the credit card slip.

"Nice bag" she says.

*sly smile* "Thank you, it works out great on those days when I just want to be all casual, you know?"

And with that I walked away. She never knew. But now you all know: Leah has a knockoff Gucci bag.

Alright, that's enuf to contemplate and chew on. Someday I'll speak of knockoff brands clothing-wise and accessories-wise.
