Maybe I'm just like my father: too bold. Maybe you're just like my mother; she's never satisfied.

Back in high school someone said that the circumstances under which we meet "the one" AKA "Mr./Ms. Right" is usually similar to the conditions under which our own parents met. The girl who told us this, Ssoberr Girl, her parents met in a ladies bathroom. I didn't ask. This girl used to be so bent on finding a boyfriend I was surprised she didn't spend more time in the powder room. You could say she is still bent on the whole boyfriend thing, which would explain why she clings so dearly to her precious boyfriend, no matter how undesirable. I recall the first time we ever went to a bar with her. She had cutesy pieces of paper already prepped with her name and phone number daintily written down. Good Lord. Thinking of that nite, I wonder why she even hung out with us in the bar, she should have posted herself in "the loo." Maybe she would have had better luck finding someone that nite, insufferable try-hard.

Perhaps I shouldn't dog on the girl so hard. After all, she's the one with a boyfriend and yours truly is still single and living large. Oh, who am I kidding?! There is absolutely no reason to be envious of her. Like Daisy said, we don't need guys like the one she picked up. I myself would rather have cilantro permanently joined to my nostrils than go through life attached to someone like that. Ditto for the delusional man. (For those who don't know, I despise cilantro....and celery.)

She did NOT meet him in the ladies bathroom. This could go 2 diffy ways: 1) He's not the one for her. or 2) Her whole theory is full of monkey poop.

However, if one were to take her theory seriously, the man of my dreams would magically appear as follows:

  1. He's not from here.
  2. He'll be at a party of a mutual friend in my hometown. and
  3. I'm going to end up moving away to marry the guy.

Given that I can't imagine living and raising children anywhere else in the world than right here...I see this as highly unlikely of ever coming to fruition. Not to mention that the guys my friends are friends with (at least the ones I know of) are sooooo not my type.

Also, on the flip side, for me to be the right one for him, wouldn't his parents have had to meet under the same circumstances?

Ssoberr Girl's whole theory really is full of monkey poop.
