The more we get together, the happier we'll be would appear that Karate Kid's mission to reunite the old elementary St. Cecilia's crew is coming to fruition. Both aqua angel and I received emails from the Kid regarding a reunion of sorts via AIM. There are a few names I recognize, a few I don't. Granted, I was only with them from Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

I think the only two I'm interested in reconnecting with are Karate Kid and Air Romeo. I've seen Karate Kid around the city on occasion, but I haven't seen Air Romeo since junior high. And it doesn't help that the dood lives in Washington DC or something like that now.

How do you even begin to reacquaint yourself with a person you haven't seen or spoken to in over 7 years?

I suppose I could start with an apology for kicking his ass that one nite years and years ago. The sweetie never even retaliated...then again, he shouldn't be hitting girls.

Even if they started it.

I plead PMS.

This one time in band camp... *lol* It was dance/party time at Camp Cadicasu for our 8th grade band camp...I was a brat. Back in those days I would not set foot on the dance floor unless some guy asked me to join him. With my rotten luck, it was always the "losers" who asked me to dance. All this because I was considered a "nice girl" and nice girls are nice to everyone, even losers. So what kind of a nice girl would I be if I turned them down for a dance?

I think it became pretty obvious I wasn't so nice. Oboe Boy came over and asked me to dance and I flat out refused him. Right in front of his mom, our chaperone. It didn't matter how many times he asked, and it didn't matter that we were kind of friends. Also, it didn't matter that I had no other grievance against him other than that he wasn't that cool. Really, if I could have a do-over today, I would've taken him up on his invitation. It really wouldn't have been so bad. Thank goodness his mom didn't murder me for trashing her son like that.

Then Howdy Doody came over asking for a dance. If I had gone with Oboe Boy I could have avoided this whole situation altogether. Howdy Doody was way too persistent...pulling my tank top to try and drag me onto the dancefloor. The poor tank was stretched beyond help. It felt like an eternity before he gave up, and I'm sure he caused a scene. Hopefully the music was loud enough and the room dark enough that noone really noticed.

I thought my "patience" (read:brattiness) had paid off when FLAMINGO came up to me and my friends looking for someone to dance with. And we all swear he was looking at me for the longest time before deciding to go dance with Italiana. Augh! Had he figured that I would actually say No to him due to the precedent that had been created with Oboe Boy and Howdy Doody? How could he possibly think that I would say "No"??? Anyway, whatever! *valley girl* The girls and I headed over to the movie cabin to go chill with the other people who were sick of dancing.

Who knows where everyone else was, but it looked like the only people in the movie cabin were all my regular peeps. Air Romeo, Karate Kid, all their friends were there. It soothed me a little bit, kind of.

Air Romeo tried to cheer me up, but I would have none of it. I wasn't even watching the movie, just glaring into nothingness...seething over the fact that Flamingo had chosen Italiana over me.

He tried to tickle me into cracking a smile, which turned into a wrestling match. A very short lived wrestling match. Poor guy had no idea what was coming.

I don't know if I hit him with my elbow while I was trying to squirm away or if it was maybe a fist or what...but *boom!!!* Well-meaning Air Romeo now had a bleeding nose. I walked away and took up my spot again on the couch.

Karate Kid chastised me for hurting the poor soul. They all insisted I apologize. I just glowered even more. Look at the mess Howdy Doody had caused!!! (Note: junior high mentality, here) All because of him I didn't get to dance with Flamingo and now I had hurt one of my good friends as well! He was the one who deserved the bloody nose, not Air Romeo.

But still, I never apologized to my friend for the bloodshed. Even more surprising was the fact that he just shrugged it off and we continued on as we had always been. Snowball fights and all. I don't deserve friends like him, but boy am I ever glad that I do have them around.

Yup, it's definitely time for an apology.
