My lil home in the blogging world

Ever since people suggested I install a tracker on my blog I've been obsessed with seeing where all my visitors come from. During the weekend the East Coast people (possible New Yorkers! Yay!) were battling it out with my hometown time zone (MST). They were neck and neck. All of a sudden on Monday the Mountain Standards jumped to representing almost half of my readership. Where'd all the East Coast people go? The East Coast now represent about a third, West Coast-ers make up about a quarter of my visitors, followed by a smattering of Europeans, Asians, Brazilians, Australians, and New Zealanders. (Kiwis!)

I wish my readers would sign my guestmap, It's only polite to say "Hello" when you're in the neighborhood. ; )

Of course, they could all be "one-time" visitors. It would appear that most of the time Google and Yahoo are referring readers to me these people are looking for info on Louis Vuitton and Gucci knockoffs or Missy Elliott's weight loss (my no. 1 referral topic).

It's flattering to know I'm being noticed, though.
