Randomly pulling things out of the air

Just some random ramblings re:the weekend.

Was unable to catch Bollywood Hollywood on Friday, ended up seeing Igby Goes Down. Very similar to The Royal Tenenbaums. Pretty good but I would rather have watched Bollywood. Must re-attempt to go see it.

Had a short chat with Finn late nite Saturday. It's been at least 6 months since him and I had a chance to chat. Such an ambitious boy, certainly a guy you could take home to impress your parents. Still unsure of what went wrong between him and Daisy but as much as I'm on Daisy's side with whatever happened, Finn is still my friend.

A brief convo with Mijo on Sunday nite. Claims that he's tried to get the shirt I gave him for Christmas translated twice. The Japanese say it's some sort of Japanese gibberish followed by the phrase "the fight." If anyone out there knows how to translate Japanese characters please let me know. I'll take a picture of my brother's shirt and then post it up here for translation. (Yes, I got my brother the same shirt as part of his Christmas present. Diffy color though, and it's not like they'll be seen out somewhere at the same time. Besides, they're two of my fave guys in the world so they deserve my best shopping/Christmas gifts.)

My brother is apparently a star now in the Fob-ball league. Crazy boy was doing a dunk yesterday and broke the frigging net, totally taking it down. "THAT'S MY BROTHER!!!" Apparently my daddy has volunteered to repair the cracked rim. Game was held up half an hour as they debated how to continue.

Lana is developing shyness (is that even possible?) and it's absolutely adorable. Baby is so grown she's off the charts at the clinic for infants. She is as tall and weighs as much as a normal 2 year old already. Posie reports that Lana has a penchant for ripping up paper. The child is going to have a blast come Christmas!
