Weekend in review

Hmm, what did I do this weekend?

It was pretty typical, I suppose. Friday, Daisy and my plans to catch Bollywood Hollywood finally fell through yet again. The Plaza stopped running it and now the only place to watch it is at the Moviedome and I really despise watching films in such a sticky scuzzy crap-hole. At a lack of anything else to do we fell back on our failsafe plan: Cactus Club Cafe for martinis and noshies. Always good.

The train ride home was entertaining. Stoopid drunk lil hoochies strutting up and down the C-Train platform talking gibberish. (And I DO mean gibberish...they had no clue what the other was talking about.) A wannabe thug came and sat down by Daisy and I and asked our opinion on whether or not his finger needed stitches. As soon as I saw the bloody digit I had to turn away all squeamish. Daisy stared intently at it and insisting with the guy that he really ought to go get it stitched up at the hospital. He swore up and down that it would be alright, he didn't think it was serious. I mean, honestly, why do people ask you your opinion when they're not going to accept it anyway??? He probably just wanted attention and to have us all gush about his injury while he sat there acting all strumfy. Who knows what happened with his finger that nite, oh well.

Saturday was a pure act-Asian-with-your-kind nite. After basketball practice, Thingy and Weird Kid picked me up and we headed to the north to catch Friday After Next. About half an hour later I'm sitting in the theatre surrounded by them and their all-Flip crew. The movie wasn't as good as the first two, but the 3rd ones never are. Still some really great laughs, though. Friday After Next was exactly what I needed, though. I've been craving a ghetto comedy for a while, and 8 Mile just isn't comedy nor is it completely ghetto. I'm almost certain that I'm using the term "ghetto" all wrong. I guess what I want to say is that I've been craving some black comedy. Oi, like that sounds any better. *rolls her eyes* Anyway, I was satisfied, end of story. After the movie we drove to Bubblemania Cafe and had bubble tea and noshies. I had a chocolate bubble cream, sooooo good. Again, it was exactly what I needed. I miss doing a lot of these things 'cuz I'm mainly living in the "white world" due to my friends. Lethal's interested in bubble tea, but other than that the only friend outside of my family and friends circle who drinks the stuff is Civic. That does not make for very many bubble tea outings since Daisy is usually with us. Daisy is pretty "international" with her tastes and for that I think she's wonderful...the girl just doesn't like bubble tea. Lethal's pretty international as well. I guess I don't have it as bad as it seems sometimes, but it still feels like truly rare and special occasions when I get to do non-white stuffs. I wonder if Mijo ever misses doing white stuffs or Mexican stuffs since he's always doing Asian stuffs.

This morning I bought mine and Daisy's tix for Saturday Night Fever: the musical. I'm so excited! I tried for front row centre on the first balcony 'cuz in my opinion those are the best seats for the broadway shows, but no luck...and I even have advanced purchase privileges! (Not for sale to the general public until next Monday) so we ended up in Row J, centre, on the floor. It will probably be overwhelming but also an electrifying feeling being so close to the show. I remember way back in jr. high SunMoon and I had the coveted front row center first balcony seats for Phantom of the Opera. Really, that was definitely an experience to remember. I haven't seen many other musicals at the Jubilee other than Grease.
