Yeah yeah, good morning

I wonder if this is what a hangover feels like. If so, then it's not so bad, just a tad uncomfortable, a smidge inconvenient, but otherwise survivable. I've gone through lots worse.

Last nite, SunMoon rounded up a bunch of us girls for her last Ladies Nite this year. No more Ladies Nites for her until June when she returns from the Virgin Islands. I was totally game, despite having to work today. Originally the limo was supposed to bring us back home at 11:00, but it was our last chance to party with SunMoon for 7 months. We didn't shut the club down, but a 12:45am limo pickup is late enough for us 9-5 people (or 8-4, for a couple of us).

The limo was pretty kewl. You know what? I'd never been in a limo before. Never did it at grad time, never did it anytime. My reasoning? "Everybody does the limo thing." How I contradict myself! *lol* Anyway, it was fun stuffs. I still wouldn't choose it as my wedding/special occasion transportation (I still have to make a unique and snazzy entrance/departure) but it was a nice way to get around the city. Spiffy blue neon lights lining the top and bottom of the inside, fun buttons to play with, digital cam to "capture the moment," phone in the rear, 2 tv's and a stereo, leather interior and a kitschy mirrored ceiling. I could definitely get used to riding around the city in that on a regular basis *giggles* See the guys outside checking out the next batch of potential hookups as the driver opens our door and we step out. "Is this all for rent?" one dood asks. Not sure if he meant the limo or the limo with us in it. *lol*

We step into the club and there are guys right at the entrance ready to pounce on the first girls that peak their interest 'cuz, well, you know, first come first serve. One guy of a more aggressive persuasion grabbed my hand and tried to drag me away to meet him and his friends. I just got here buddy! They were ready to close in on me in a circle when I took my chance at escape as soon as I could and rejoined the rest of the girls.

As per usual, I had a great time with SunMoon and her girls. I don't know what it's going to be like without her around for 7 months. Their m.o. for Ladies Nite is different from me and my girls and if you ask me, garnered better results. Not that me and my peeps don't get picked up but it just felt like a bigger success last nite. Charlie, Kevin, Ben, fun plastic jacket guy, I have no idea who else there was but needless to say it was a blast!

I used up 5 of my 6 drink coupons within the 2.5 hours we were there. I think that constitutes great effort on my part. I've also discovered I'm an amazing pool shot when I'm tipsy.

R-girl: Hey Leah, let's play pool with these boys.
Me: Oh god, R, didn't you see my last game? I suck at pool.
R-girl: Don't worry, I'll suck, too. (This coming from the girl who whipped our asses the previous round.)
Me: Aight.
*introductions all around, get teamed up with Kevin. Kevin breaks, his buddy follows, my turn...*
*shuffle up to the pool table, take my shot...I sink two balls*
R-girl: You suck, huh? *l*
Me: I'm just slightly tipsy. *waving SunMoon over and handing her one of my drink tickets* SunMoon, can you get me another Candy Apple?
:::Later on in the game, and after each subsequent set of turns from then on:::
Kevin: You realize I've done nothing for our team? You're the only one sinking any of our balls. *high five down low and up high* (cheesy guy, huh?)
Me: I'm not usually like this, I'm just drunk. *another sip of the Candy Apple*

Unfortunately, I missed the 8-ball and set up R beautifully so she could get her last ball and finish us off with the 8-ball, thus Kevin and I lost the game. "Good game!" *hugs and handshakes with the boys and off we went to go join some of the girls on the stage*

Downstairs, SunMoon, J, and L were grinding against and teasing a poor soul named Ben while R and me just did our own thing onstage beside them. They had dragged him down from upstairs. J's pickup. Eventually, SunMoon said "I guess you're the wrong guy to be teasing, huh?" He didn't get it. Charlie ended up having to pull him aside and tell him what the deal was. Then Charlie decides he's fallen for L. I spent a good part of a half hour dancing with Charlie while he asked questions about how we all knew each other and blah blah blah until he finally gets all specific about who he really wanted to find out about. Yet another poor soul! I don't think he believed SunMoon when she told the guy L has a boyfriend...still left her a number to pass on to L. J and L had left earlier 'cuz J's boyfriend was going to pick them up at Marlborough station. T and La were upstairs still fending off the rest of the guys.

R and I found new guys to converse with: fun plastic jacket guy and his pal, all dressed in black guy. Eventually I was left to entertain them both (R needed to sit down for a while) and the crazy doods decide that all 3 of us should do The Bump together. Of all dances! *lol* Still fun, though I'm sure it looked like a scene straight out of Night At The Roxbury with a guy on either side of me. Those two were insane.

Did I mention that NO icky old men approached me at all last nite? Success!!

Then R left us, too, and SunMoon brought around T's cousin. He was funny, too. A mixture of raver and b-boy with a question mark on both. At least he was enthusiastic.

When time came for us to go meet our limo pickup for going turns out that L had picked up my coat instead of her own (she had paid for everyone's coatcheck....I didn't pay for a single thing at all last nite) since we must've had our check tickets switched. On my part, I had given my check ticket to the bartender instead of my drink ticket in my drunken-ass state and they could no longer find it. Luckily, my denim dress/shirt was with SunMoon. J had given it to her saying it was on the same hanger as her jacket when she had picked it up. A bunch of drunk girls trying to figure out what was going on and not even being able to recognize our own coats can not be good. Unfortunately, I couldn't get L's coat so she wouldn't have to pick it up from Coyote's the next day since neither Sunmoon nor myself could pick it out with certainty. (I called SunMoon today and she'll be able to get my coat back on Saturday since it's L's birthday)

Ken the limo driver picked us up again, now our group was down to 4. More digicam pictures and chitchat with Ken. T and La crank up the stereo on Eminem's Without Me. I love SunMoon's peeps! Upon arrival at SunMoon's house we took one final picture with Ken and then T and La drove me home in T's Jeep (so kewl!) Clean up, do my fluoride trays, jammie-time and I was out cold.

Whatta great nite, I wish I didn't have to wait more than half a year to do it all again. Geez I'm gonna miss you, SunMoon.
