Buyer beware

I swear, that new computer of mine....if it's not one thing it's another.

Remember how it sparked and then died last month? Well, now it's found a new game to play: pretend the mouse doesn't exist.

I've tried re-adding the mouse, system restore-ing the frigging computer, nothing will make that pointer move. It will not acknowledge lil mousey. I don't know if it's 'cuz my system is so budget bargain-basement that I shouldn't expect any better or if it's glitches with Windows XP (which I hear nobody is really fond of) I hate having to take this troublesome box back to the shop...2nd time in its first 3 months of being! I would return the stoopid thing if I could.

C-spotters, do NOT buy your computers at Techtronics. Protect thy sanity!
