At the Copa, Copacabana, the hottest spot north of Havana

Mijo really wants to go to Cuba. It's all he ever talks about. It's a shame that he's American. That makes it so much more difficult to get into Cuba than if you were, say, Canadian like myself. Ha!

Anyway, he needs to stop that. I mean, cease and desist all this Cuba talk right now. The more he talks about Cuba this and Cuba that the more I want to go. Not that I didn't want to go to Cuba as it is, but at least I had that urge under control. Frigging bad influence boy.

And I've got a friend having some crappy days over in Guana. I'm so tempted to just cruise or fly over to San Juan so I can ferry on over to Guana and cheer her up a bit. Yeah yeah, I have ulterior motives up the wazoo. Really I just want to get to San Juan, visiting with my friend and helping her smile is just a bonus. Nobody ever said I was altruistic.

Puerto Rico to me is like what Cuba is to Mijo. Except that I'm allowed entry into Puerto Rico much more simply than he into his shangri-la.

I always thought that PR was a beautiful place to share with someone special; an s.o., a best friend, someone who can appreciate all the beauty that the two of you would witness together. I don't know if I can wait too long. Whether or not someone wants to share in the PR experience with me, I'm going to get there and revel in it all.

Beautiful experiences can have profound effects on our emotions. Graduating from high school was a big one, me and my parents just hugged one another and cried lil happy tears. The big marching band competition was another emotionally charged experience. There were major buckets of tears shared with those around me.

But what happens when you have noone to share it with?

I remember during our choral tour to Disneyworld, SunMoon and I were watching Spectromagic (their then revised version of the classic Electric Parade) and SunMoon had tears in her eyes. She was overwhelmed with the whole beauty of it all and she wished her parents were there to see it as well. I must've looked like an emotionless bag beside her...but I mean, I had already seen this with my entire family a few years before.

And another online friend once told me about his solo trek through Europe, and how his tears poured forth while he was atop the Eiffel Tower. He wished he had had someone to share the moment with him.

I doubt that these people regretted having those experiences, but I suppose it's not as satisfying to go through it alone.

Does that mean I should wait till someone wants to come visit Puerto Rico with me? I really don't want to sit here all idle waiting for my turn. Bah.
