Bienvenido a Casa Sunny

Friday nite was a good turnout...noshies at Cactus Club Cafe with Sunflower, aqua angel, Daisy, and *gasp* Sunny!

Bellinis? You betcha. Sunny and aqua angel also got to indulge in the goodness that is Lava Flow.

Alas, I am impulsive. I had already said that I would join Sunflower and Daisy post Cactus Club to meet up with Bizkette at the Blind Monk. Unfortunately, when Sunny invited us to see her new house (well, not really new since she moved in November and alas I had not seen the place yet) all thoughts of Blind Monk flew out of my head and off I went to see the new Sunny abode.

I love her house. Well laid out, well planned. Her shower/tub has stone tiles, talk about classy! I may sound domestic, but I thought that bathroom was tres chic. Beautiful!

Although it was a new setting, when Sunny Boy, Aqua Boy, and Egghead got back from their night out it felt like the old days, and I loved that. Good times, good times.

We indoctrinated Daisy into the Matrix. I don't think she enjoyed it much. My guess is she feels towards the Matrix the same way I feel about the Titanic: not worth all the hype, and definitely not my type.

At this point, I think I've gotten in touch with all the peeps I wanted to invite to my birthday bash. Surprisingly enough, I think the turnout is going to be even better than I was expecting!
