
I tend to get into trouble when I blog about this sort of topic, but it's my blog so I'll say what I want to say. Besides, none of it puts anyone in a bad light except for myself.

After a lot of phone tag back and forth over the past 2 days I met up with, let's call him Driver, for dinner. Yes, another internet boy, but I'll comment on that another day. Yet again, I had no picture to go on and I'm not sure if he's found my picture online or not. Anyway, yeah, I'm always cautious about giving away too much information so I told him I'd just meet him somewhere. As a result he suggested I pick somewhere close to home so I wouldn't have to travel far. Uhh, yeah, other than the new sushi place there was only Jack Astor's. Not sure how he feels about raw fish so Jack Astor's it was. Not exactly your typical first date fare, but I think it suited us great. He gave me a single blue rose which I absolutely love as well as a kiss on the cheek. (Foreign guys are so sweet. :D) And he even gave me a little birthday card! Awww.

I know it sounds superficial to discuss appearances, but I had no complaints about him. :D Sort of a level up from your typical boy-next-door type. I liked his arms. *giggles*

Dinner was great, the lack of formalities environment-wise made things a lot easier for us. Never had any lulls in the conversation and his english is pretty good. (He's French) After chatting with him on ICQ for a while now to practice my french he was taunting me to spout off a few phrases in his native language...I was too embarassed to try and think of anything witty to say in french as I was sure it would sound all dumb. I don't think my pronunciation is bad at all, it's just the le's and la's and verb tenses are dang rusty in my memory now.

I mentioned during dinner that my friends wanted to meet up for coffee later on that night. The evening with him so far had been very enjoyable so I wondered if I could bring him along to meet the friends. I know it sounds like jumping the gun big-time, but he doesn't know a lot of people in Calgary and I figured I could help him meet some new friends.

As it turns out, I got a message from aqua angel saying that there had been a change of plans. And see, this is where my thinking got really screwed up. Though it felt alright at the time, I'm sure it seemed a different way to him and so perhaps I've screwed up yet another date. Absolute shame 'cuz I thought this one was fantastic.

So there I was with no further plans for the evening, we could've gone clubbing but I wasn't dressed for it. He suggested pool (which I am horrible at....unless I'm drunk, or so it seems) plus he already knew that I had planned on going out with friends after I saw I figured "Well, Daisy was going to come out for coffee too, so why not join the two meetings?"

Screwed, yes, I know.

Off we went, Driver and I, to the pool hall by Daisy's house where she would meet up with us. I realize now that, yes, by inviting another friend out he could easily miscontrue the situation as me not being comfortable around him or not having any fun so I had to bring in someone to make things easier. It couldn't have been any further from the truth, but how was he supposed to read my thoughts? I thought he was great fun and figured I'd multiply the fun by putting together a somewhat bigger crowd. *sigh* Such is the inexplicable rationale behind all Leah-actions.

Luckily he was a good sport about it, tried to help us improve on our pool and we all sat down and had some drinks and talked. I received affirmation from Daisy 'cuz she thinks he's very sweet as well. My mind was still in blather-y mode, though. I swear he probably thinks I don't want to spend any time alone with him anymore. All the plans we made of what he could do on the weekends (which is the only time he's in the city) either involved reccommending he go here or there, not me taking him to said places and showing him around. Either that, or if it was a group thing (like clubbing) I was always spouting off "we" as in him, I, Daisy, and whoever else I could get to tag along. In my defense, I don't usually see clubbing as an activity to be done in couples. But still, I never said anything about just him and me. It was either "just him" talk (ie. "you should take a drive down to Drumheller sometime. It's very different from anything else around here.") or "the whole crew" kind of plans (ie. "we should definitely all go somewhere to dance next week"). Gah, I don't know how I manage to mess things up all the time. We hugged when he dropped me off at my house and I promptly unpacked my rose, putting it in some water so I could sit and admire it's beautiful hue for a while.

We'll see if anything happens next weekend. It'd be really nice to see him again. Though with my track record the past few months, it's a wonder I get any dates at all. :P
