The brother man

Have I ever told you about how much my brother rocks?

I have? Oh well, guess you'll get to hear more about it right now.

My baby bro, Weird Kid, gave me a spa gift certificate for my me a no-excuses kind of validation to treat myself to some pampering.

But wait, that's not why he's the bomb-diggety. No, that is not the reason why he is the Michael Jordan of hermanos, the Mohammed Ali of freres, the Clark Kent of brothers.

The reason why he's so Rico Suave, and not in the sleazy scuzzy way, is 'cuz he is the most unbelievably caring guy to whom I've had the honor of claiming I'm related. Oh yeah, and my dad rocks just as much, but today we honor my brother.

Last Thursday he had this crazy energy about him. Apparently he had found a new project to immerse himself in. Was he putting together a new basketball team? Did he come up with some snazzy vacation plans?

Nope, he showed me a little ad in The Gauntlet, the good old campus newspaper. My brother was going to shave his head for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Wow. I was floored. I would never have expected that to be his big news.

So word spread slowly (which is a surprise) through the family grapevine about my brother's big grand plan. I don't think anyone took him seriously. Mom said she'd pledge 5 dollars for each pledge my brother received. You know? That could get pretty expensive.

My brother went into high marketing mode on Sunday, he printed out a mini-poster explaining what he was going to do and posted it at his workplace. He did a mass email out to his friends and everyone he knew detailing why he was doing this. His enthusiasm for the cause must be infectious 'cuz I noticed on his guestbook that one of his friends had wanted to shave her head alongside him but the parentals intervened.

Peeps must think seeing my brother bald is worth some serious ching-ching 'cuz so far he's raised 100 dollars. And that's just the friends he's come across on campus, folks. He's still got until April 4th to get those pledges. Once money is in, hair disappears on the 9th. If you've got the time, visit his site just so you can hit up his guestbook and give him some moral support!

Mom better get her checkbook ready. :D
