Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you

Before I get into my recount of the bday extravaganza (and look, the day hasn't even officially come yet!) have to get something off my chest.

Kelly brought up a very good point in her blog the other day. (I apologize, I can't seem to directly link to the specific post.) We are seriously souring our relationship with the US. Once this war is over and they are all like "We are victorious!" we won't be invited in the celebratory party 'cuz we suck. We offer no encouragement (as a whole country, at least) no support. Like she said, we don't have to like the war or even fight in it...but we could at least be there in some capacity as their neighbors and friends.

Americans are going to hate us, and who can blame them? Would you embrace someone who totally turned their back on you? Really gives me reservations about my Los Angeles spree. *sigh*

Please don't hate me, America. I love you love you love you!!!
