Comida, tequila, sangria, y amigos

Te amo, Senor Carlos.

Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, seven friends joined me for dinner at Senor Carlos. Lucky number seven!

Well, I guess technically 6...'cuz one of my dinner guests was my brother. And I'd really like to mention that 'cuz it's not very often when I can combine my family friends with my friends friends. It made me so happy, I never wanted the night to end.

People were amused, or I think they were amused, by the antics between my brother, Weird Kid, and my godbrother, Spydermonkey. Daisy and Posie had things they could talk about as well.

So to summarize the diners...we had yours truly, Posie, Spydermonkey, Weird Kid, Bizkette, Latina, aqua angel, and Daisy.

Even though I've been there before, I never considered the fact that there may not be non-Mexican options for those who weren't truly into Mexican food. Huge oversight. I think the only things that didn't have to be Mexican on the menu were the desserts and some of the beers and coffees.

My brother paid for my dinner, ain't he gosh-darn sweet?? The next morning Bizkette told me I had the nicest brother. I didn't want to seem cocky about it, but I really couldn't argue with her statement either.

Alcohol tally, university days-style: half a pitcher of sangria and a shot of watermelon tequila. There would've been more shots of tequila, but all they have now is watermelon and lemon-lime, no more tangerine, no more strawberry, alas, alas.

I also got to open some presents! *giddy* I'm now the proud owner of a shirt portraying some wicked childhood memories, a deluxe edition of a CD I have haphazardly misplaced for more than 6 months now, some funky bath gear (and no, Spydermonkey, I don't think a sushi-scented soap would be a good idea...there are enough girls out there that smell like fish from what I've heard), and a Rocket T (long live The Rocket!)

As one of my new shirts says: "Life is Delicious."

Indeed it is.
