Cool off

aqua angel's latest post has me feening for a girls' nite out. There's just something about being attention-whores with your closest pals that is an absolute must on occasion. Mind you, this can also lead to trouble. But trouble can be fun, right?

I know we've had to save Bizkette a couple of times. To this day, though, I can't really say for sure whether or not she wanted saving on those occasions.

So I'm just going to speak for myself. I know that I come across as the lil girl in the group who's always helpless and needs saving. Not sure how I got that reputation, but I play it up sometimes. It's funny what friends will do for you, funny yet flattering.

The scene: Aurora. The best nightlife in Banff in my humble opinion. But who's ever mistaken me for humble?

The time: Canada Day long weekend (July) of 2002

The players (or would it be playettes?): Daisy, SunMoon, and I. To give credit where credit is due, aqua angel, Bizkette and Bizkette's friend joined us on a whim for the first nite at Outtabounds. But I'm not here to talk about Outtabounds, or maybe I am, we'll see.

The mission: Carefree release. I was about to start my practicum at the travel agency, SunMoon was about to start her final exams. Daisy just missed the crazy beat of Banff, having had a taste of it the summer previous.

Anyway, us tres amigas stayed at the Global Backpackers Hostel. I mean, if you're young and in Banff you simply got to stay where all the other young things are. Banff at my age is not about prestige and class, it's about a spring-break lifestyle that goes on all year long, ready for you whenever you need it. The morning after our nite at Outtabounds we got to talking to a girl from New Zealand. She highly reccommended Aurora. You know? It's pretty dang sad when a foreigner from halfway across the world knows more about the town than you do when you only live an hour away. Whatever, she made a good call. That club could seriously rival some of the ones here in Calgary.

Just three girls going out for some crazy fun in a nightclub full of holidayers all looking for the same thing. Good times, good times.

I think I caused more hassle for my friends than myself. Luckily they didn't seem to be too too troubled.

First hassle they had to deal with was this guy I had danced with earlier in the evening. For some reason *shrugs innocently* he could never find me so every time he came across Daisy or SunMoon he'd ask them where I was. He must've stopped Daisy at least 4 times that nite.

Then there was my personal favorite, WetBoy. He deserves a longer explanation.

So me and the girls were dancing, la dee doo, and I see this guy a lil ways behind me. I know he was checking me out but I just let him go about his own thing. I don't work with guys who don't approach me, perhaps something I could always work on but who wants to be the chaser when it's always more fun being the chasee?

SunMoon goes: "Le, I think you have an admirer."

That's the funny thing about SunMoon, she's not even old school for her age (she's only a year older than us) she exudes "olden-days-charm-school" old school. Admirer is just a more polite term for horny-boy.

Dood took his sweetass time making his way over, suppose he was trying not to be too obvious. He was almost right behind me and I was just dancing there with a non-chalant "I suppose I could give the guy some attention." sort of attitude when SunMoon swooped in and saved me. She completely reached past me, grabbed the guy, and started dancing with him herself.

Daisy turned to me incredulously. "She just stole your guy!" And with that we burst into a fit of laughter.

He did make a few attempts to finish up with SunMoon and get back to me, but boy was the girl intent on keeping my respect and reputation intact. Dang it if a girl doesn't want to "dirty dance" (*giggles* inside joke) every once in a while, though. However, SunMoon did not know I had that side of me so she thought she was doing me a favor. And in all honesty, I completely appreciate her for that though it would've been fun to get some play myself.

Eventually the guy gave up and just decided to go all out on SunMoon, and out came her olden-days-charm-school old-schoolness. Sploosh, a glass of water drenched the poor guy's head. She said he needed the water more than she did so he could "cool off." *bursts out laughing*

For the rest of the night, WetBoy avoided us like we were anthrax.
