
Quotes from last night


Two more inches and I'd be topless!


Awww, her skirt is so short. It's so cute!


I leave you for two minutes and look what happens!


"What kind of guy do you like? Point some guy out in here and we'll go get him for you."
"Well, I like the big strong types. Kind of like Vin Diesel."
"Hmm, there aren't a lotta Vin Diesel types around here."
"So I've noticed."


"I've got one Cowboy Cocksucker left."
"Alright, give it to me."
"Is that the same as a blowjob?"
"I don't know, it's yummier in my opinion."


My car is so steamy, it's cute!


"Do you girls pay cover when you come here?"
"Always." (Though not technically)
"Alright, you're coming with me."
*thinking to myself* "He's our cover charge pimp?! But we've already been in and paid!" (In retrospect, I should've traded his cover offer for a free drink)


Shift change!


"How old are you, darlin'?"
*reflective pause* "18? You don't say!"


Do you love the life you're living? Yes or no. Yes or no. Yes or no.


Hey ladies, no mattress mambo tonight, ok?


You sleep all cutely!
