Suck in, breathe a whole lot better

I am now the proud owner of a vacuum I can call my very own. My living space will be so much cleaner now Tthe family vacuum kicked the dust, so to speak, a few months ago. And seeing as everything upstairs is either tile or hardwood now it left little motivation for the parentals to invest in a new machine. (Although I'm sure they'll be borrowing my vacuum to clean their own room, which is the only room upstairs now that has carpet.)

Not that I've been feeling stressed or agitated lately, but I've always enjoyed vacuuming when I'm upset about something. Forget the punching bag, give those dust bunnies what for! And no, I'm not a neat freak, in fact far from it. There's just something about vacuuming that is oh-so-satisfying for this girl's mental well-being. I am vacuum, hear me roar.
