A tale of two countries

Thanks to yndygo for the heads up.

As you all know, I'd rather be an ostrich about the whole war thing. Or perhaps one or all three of those monkeys "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." It's just so depressing. I think of all the lives that this war has or will affect and I wonder if its worth it. All over one psycho (or 2? *thinks she should shut up*) and his goon followers. Families are going to be tattered, lives lost. It's that whole philosophical thing...though I never paid much attention in my philosophy class: what is an acceptable sacrifice (ie. lives, funds) to benefit the good of the whole?

Anyway, I digress. The following links are blog-windows into the lives of the two opposing sides. I feel more comfortable following the war this way rather than via the news. It feels more real rather than like a movie on tv. No G.I. Joe: the American Hero, no evil turbanned terrorist.

In one corner....wearing the sand-colored fatigues...LT Smash! And in the other corner...hey, wait a minute! Where is Raed?
