Whoosh, over my head

So I had my 6 month follow up at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre today. Did the cancer dentist thing, the lung x-ray thing, and the checkup with my oncologist thing. (I'm still not sure if that's the right word.)

Again, I didn't get to see Dr. A during the dental consultation. I'm always disappointed when that happens. Dr. A reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld, yet he sooo knows what he's doing. Alas, no Dr. Jerry Seinfeld for me today.

Lung x-ray was swift. In. Out. Done. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

What threw me off was my oncologist visit. Where was Dr. M? Instead I got a Dr. W, whom I've never met in my whole canceriffic life. What's this dood doing here? Does he know my history? Apparently not 'cuz he just went through my whole file letting me know how the past year has been. Like I wasn't there when all of it happened! Dumbfounded yet again, couldn't think of any questions to ask. Even if I had had questions, I'm skeptical as to whether this Dr. W would have been able to answer them for me. After he prodded around in my ear and looked in my mouth and gave me the Cliffs/Coles notes version of the past 12 months of my life I was done. It felt like such a complete waste of my time! Dr. M better be there for my next checkup.

And where was my dietitian? I'm sooo ready to get on some kinda diet plan. Although the fact that I've pretty much gained back everything I lost last year will thoroughly please her, I'm sure I'm healthy enough to start losing some of that weight in a more natural way.

I haven't seen my psychologist since the first day I stepped into the cancer centre. I can understand the value of having him around at the centre, but I've never felt like I needed any of his help.

They say they're keeping tabs on my health but sometimes it feels like it's all a stage production.
