A lil step back in time

Let's travel back to March 22, 2003. I was celebrating my 24th birthday 4 days early. If you know me well enough then the whole thing is kind of ironic 'cuz I'm notorious for always being late.

I consider this trait part of my Filipino heritage.

Anyway, yes, birthday bash 2003. Quite a few people are mising from the photos, but taking pics of the whole crew just never happens. Never. I don't think we'd be complete even if we all got together for someone's wedding. Anyway...


Group photo time! That's me with the best friends and family. Weird Kid (when he had hair!) is to my right. He's my baby brother. Below him is Spydermonkey, his best friend. Beside Spydermonkey is Posie, my best friend.


Me and most of the girls. Going clockwise from yours truly we've got Daisy, aqua angel, Latina, and Bizkette. And if you're wondering why my shirt looks all askew in these pics it's 'cuz it's supposed to be one of those crazy ones with a knot in one sleeve. Go figure it wouldn't show well. And yeah, that's my smile full of glee. Leah + smile = no eyes.


Ummm, yeah, it's not like I'm ingesting some kind of glowing neon bulb...but it sure looks questionable in the pic. One of the factors involved in my choice of dinner locale: flavored tequila. Yay Senor Carlos! Watermelon tequila. Mmmmm.
