I'm such a baby

So I was doing laundry in the basement and due to the heat I was too lazy to stand while sorting the dirty clothes. There I was, sitting on the laundry room floor when I felt a sharp pin prick in a really unfortunate area.

I gasped and quickly moved away to look for the offending needle when there, amongst the dirty laundry, was some greenish massive bug. In a panic I took a ratty tshirt (my dad uses it as a rag when he does work on the car), wrapped my fist in it, and pounded that alien sucker.

But oh my god, it hurrrrrrt. I quickly got a load started in the washer and went upstairs and whined to my dad about the whole ordeal. Being the baby that I am, I also had him retrieve the alien bug out of the laundry for me.

Turns out it was a wasp. I guess I've never really encountered a wasp so upclose before 'cuz I definitely had no idea what that bug was, and for that reason my heart was racing even faster when I "smushed" it. Also turns out I hadn't smushed it at all. (That's what you get when you try to punch something into a pile of clothes.) So my daddy killed it. He's my hero.

Wasps. Bastards.
