*tap tap* Is this thing on? Pt. II

Another edit:Thanks to Ang for the heads up. Here is the proper link for loobylu.

Everybody back? I hope you're all finding someone new and interesting to read and/or get to know. Community, beautiful word, say it with me. Community

Alright, moving right along...

I used to vacation in Toronto every summer for a few years running and I never came across the AccordionGuy. I shouldn't be too surprised, though, seeing as Toronto is such a big city. But hello? Much Music? How could I have missed him if he was on Much Music???

It looks like I read quite a few blogs that involve people working in the medical profession. DaGoddess is one of them. Sometimes I wonder if this is a hint that my calling was to take care of others just like these fine blogging nurses and doctors are doing. But then I snap out of it. I'm way too squeamish to be a medical anything.

I'm not so certain anymore how I came across Commentary du Jour anymore. In the beginning it felt like I was reading along two blogging social circles, but now they seem to be melding together. It's that community thing I was telling you all about earlier. Anyway, however I found this blog, it's still a good read.

Katie is absolutely amazing with words. She's another blogging superstar so I guess introducing her to you was kind of redundant, but I would be amiss if I didn't say something.

California seems chock full of bloggers. Bat Boy is another one of them. I never tire of hearing about Cali, though. Then again, I never tire about hearing about any city anywhere in the world.

Meesh was one of my very first influences in blogger-land. Yes, she had a very long hiatus, but look how many people came back to read her updates! Always leave them wanting more. I wish her all the best and hope everything is headed towards better days for her.

I've come to the realization that there are quite a few blogs which I enjoy where the authors are of a gay sexual orientation. little.yellow.different is one of them. I think it stems from the fact that I find these people very real, very refreshing. They don't have phoney airs about them. A lot of people out there hide behind a mask to "fit in" with the norm or just to represent themselves as someone who they aren't. I feel these bloggers are the complete opposite. Again, I say, it's refreshing. How else can we really enjoy our lives if we're always trying to act like someone we aren't?

Will the Tabasco Guy is another university student. This means another window into the uni-life that I'm missing so much. *sigh* I noticed I was recently(?) added to his links as a "red pepper." It feels great to be recognized by the blogs that you frequent. :D

Those Mars and Venus books always piss me off with their generalizations and "rules" to live by to attain a significant other. Who buys these books and why why why??? I think it's better hearing from the other side themselves on what they're actually thinking. Hence why The Date Project is brilliant.

Another uni student. The Ward has recently become a one-man show and not a collaborated effort. Still a witty read. Yes, definitely still a premium blog.

Moxie. Another blogger whom I'm sure needs no introduction. She linked me as part of "Melrose Place" and I once got a comment from her on my blog. I was so flattered! And who doesn't enjoy the adventures of Phoebe and Bentley?

Alright, take a breather people.
