When do I get to be a survivor?

Last night as I got comfy in my bed I realized that exactly one year ago I had my last session of radiation therapy. That also means that I have now rid myself of any and all of my cancer for 365 days *knocks on wood.*

I hear the term "cancer survivor" a lot. I'm wondering when I get to be part of that club. How does someone ever know that they will never have to deal with it again? One minute you're a survivor and then next thing you know you might be a victim again.

In other news, I also ended up 30 pounds lighter one year ago. I had complete intentions of keeping the weight off. But after a month or so of eating cereal and not being able to savor any of my favorite foods I kind of went buckwild on the cuisine in celebration of the return of my tastebuds. I haven't stopped "partying" since. Needless to say the weight is back on (but no more than original, thank goodness). It's kind of bittersweet. I'd rather be healthy and heavier than slimmer and sick. Perhaps that's part of my weight rut, I associate losing weight with that miserable blip in my life last year and so I don't try very hard to shed the pounds. Warped thinking, huh? Slimmer should equal healthier.

Ah well, here's to a year of being cancer free and being able to enjoy everything my life has become. Hopefully this will be the tune for the rest of the years to come.
