You like me, you really really like me!

Got plenty of feedback on the whole Flamingo situation. Much thanks to everyone for that!

Coyote promised to "catch (me) if (I) fall." That is sooooo sooooo sweet.

Everybody pretty much figured I should say something, do something to see where things would lead with him. I am in complete agreeance. This ridiculousness has gone on long enough.

Not sure if I'd have the "huevos" (and, I mean, girls aren't supposed to have "huevos" anyway) to call him. And that is really really interesting considering I never had qualms about calling him before. Sahalie's suggestion of dropping him an email is more within my comfy m.o. these days.

Problem is timing. Seeing as I posted that "I Saw You" ad recently it'd be way too much of a coincidence if I emailed him all of a sudden. Particularly if he saw the ad. *cringes* He'd put 2 and 2 together. His head may be big, but something in there would work the pieces of the puzzle together. It's not all just hot air. (Goodness, I shouldn't be bashing him so bad. He's really a decent guy.)

Well, I'll let you all know when to keep your fingers crossed for me. Or better yet you better keep your fingers crossed for him. Who knows what I'll do if he gets on my nerves?
