Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on


"I'm baking like a toasted cheeser it's so hot in here!" ~ from the movie The Sandlot

Isn't a sunburn supposed to hurt? I'm pretty sure I got burnt today, but it doesn't hurt. If it's red it's a burn, right?

So much for "Oh, for some reason I don't have any tan lines on my back." Now it's very obvious that my racer-back tanks are my apparel of choice on these hot, hot days. Very. Obvious.


I am like a walking tan-line fashion faux pas. You would think I've been wearing the same tank day in day out. Not true. I just love those tanks so much that they have become my summer uniform. I have at least 8 different colors that I can think of off-hand.

It has been a jam-packed day so far. Daisy and I decided to take in a Stampede breakfast. Couldn't find any parking at the breakfast we planned on attending (Cars, I tell ya, they can be a total pain in the butt!) so we ended up taking the train downtown...then it was a long lineup for a pancake and some bacon. Tradition, you got to love it some times.

Then she was sweet enough to drop me off at the gym while she took care of some errands followed by us reconvening for some lunch at Joey Tomato's. Gotta love rooftop patios!

And that's where my back got all burnt.

So I'm chillaxing in my nice cool basement right now. (I hate that word, and yet I throw it out there every once in a while.) Next engagement is sushi with the godsisters for dinner. My oh my. A whole day without a homecooked meal! Well, unless you count the cup of coffee I had before heading out for breakfast.
