Till Next Year

Well, the 2003 Calgary Stampede and Exhibition is officially over. You could definitely tell it was winding down when the gas prices jumped up 6 cents for this weekend. Get all the tourists while they're filling up getting ready for the drive home.

I've always loved seeing what different license plates I could find at this time of year. There were plates from neighboring provinces and states like Montana, the Northwest Territories (I'd love to see a plate of the latest territory, Nunavut), BC, and Saskatchewan. I also saw a few from Manitoba, Ontario, Michigan, California, Florida, New York, even Utah. What do we call people from Utah? Utah-ians? Utahnese? They say the city pretty much doubles in population for these 10 days a year. It's so nice to see people from all over the world come out and party with us.

Well, an early bedtime for me tonight. I'm going to get in an early workout at the gym tomorrow.
